Kira Izuru

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Kira Izuru is from the manga/anime series Bleach and is played by Thessaly.


Vital Statistics

Name: Kira Izuru

Nicknames: None

Birthday: March 27

Age: Appears mid-late twenties.

Height: 173cm

Weight: 56kg

Family: None

Occupation: Professor. (Intro to Sparring, Melee Weapons: Fencing)

Likes: Alcohol, reading, Alucard, light conversation, television, trains.

Dislikes: Rude people, crowded places, dismissive personalities.

Musical tastes: Rock, obscure bands, male vocalists.

Theme Song: "Afterglow" -INXS

Wardrobe:very similar to shinigami uniform, but less fabric. Easy to move in.

Current Residence: 402A, Vertigo Skyrise Dorms.

Background and Personality

Kira was born the son of minor nobility and entered into the shinigami Academy where he soon distinguished himself as part of the more talented students there. He impressed a group of his classmates by performing exceedingly well with demon magic. He was a friendly and gentle person, if a trifle shy. He seemed to make friends easily, and was generally liked and admired by his peers. But then, he came under the notice of Ichimaru Gin. And that, in short, was the beginning of the end. Gin and Aizen manipulated Kira (as well as his classmate Hinamori) into fifth division and began to groom them for the roles that they would eventually take.
When Gin departed Fifth Division to become captain of the Third, he took Kira with him. Unbeknownst to Kira, there was a reason for this placement. Kira was neither the most suited nor the most deserving of the post.
What he was -- the most obedient. Gin needed a vice-captain who wouldn't question, who would blindly follow orders. He was only required to show the smallest bit of attention and affection toward Kira, in order to be rewarded with the blond's utmost devotion. Gin had created, through years spent patiently molding the man to his liking, the perfect ignorant accomplice. However, Kira was not as in the dark as his captain wished him to be. He understood that there was something going on, something that he wasn't entirely a part of... but he trusted too much that Gin would take him, when it all was said and done. He believed, heart and soul, that he would be rewarded for his loyalty.
He was wrong.
Kira found himself alone, without either of the two captains he had come to rely on and admire above all others, even to a degree turning his back on former friends. Hinamori was now as broken as himself. Renji and Shuuhei had been shut out from his life for so long that they felt a very personal betrayal. Unable to apologize or even begin to imagine recompense for the squandered years, Kira no longer felt that there was a place for him in Third Division... or anywhere in Soul Society at all. He sunk into a depression, drank nearly ceaselessly, and generally moped around. He earned the sympathy, pity, or ire from those who were unfortunate enough to interact with him.
Needless to say... those captains and vice-captains who remained did not look kindly on this sort of behavior -- they did not want to be reminded of the duplicity that had hit them all so very hard. Those were stoic in the face of their loss despised Kira for his apparent weakness. Rumours, increasingly unkind, began to circulate (mostly about the depth and nature of Kira's involvement with Gin) and to stem this flow of gossip, Kira was given a choice.
Be publicly stripped of position and status, banished from Soul Society for the foreseeable future or take a leave from Third Division and take a trivial job on Earth until he gets his act together.
It really wasn't a choice.
After arriving on Earth, he was given a few options as concerned his placement in his new 'life', which could last months or years, depending on his own determination and desire to get over this roadblock and stop mourning for a person who didn't really care about him one way or the other. He chose to become a teacher (thanks to Urahara's forgery skills, he was able to obtain the necessary documents attesting to his existence), reasoning that by perhaps focusing on the progress of others, he could forget his own pain.
Kira has taken a position as a professor and tutors a few select students in his free time. He also is part of Desai City Orchestra, fifth seat in their cello section.

Kira at Desai University

It's either this, or completely destroy his family's good name by forcing the hand of his superiors. Thus far it has been an entirely rewarding experience, although he wonders if he's still making the same mistakes, only in different guises.


Alucard - He and Kira met early on during Kira's time in Desai and pretty much from the outset, they were intimates. The affair has gone on quite awhile; to the point where they're extremely comfortable with one another. It's a quiet relationship -- not many even know of its existence.

Hisagi Shuhei - Shuhei was Kira's upperclassman when he was in the Academy; he respects the man deeply and cares for him just as much.

Abarai Renji - Fellow classmate at the Academy and to this day, probably the only person Kira can call his best friend.

Matsumoto Rangiku - A good friend, drinking buddy, and ally.

Contact Information

Kira can be found sometimes on the network under the name kira alone.

His journal can be found here: [1]

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