
From Desaiuniversity

Revision as of 02:19, 26 December 2006 by Alec (Talk | contribs)
Alucard sitting in his chair being absolutely bored out of his skull because there is no one to kill right now.

Alucard comes from the manga version of Hellsing, after the Freak War that left most of the world in ruins. He came to Desia in search of the remaints of the Letztes Bataillon which had fled certain destruction at Hellsing's hands. Since the manga is uncomplete as of yet, the exact timeline of the War's end and how it ended is unclear at this point in time.
Alucard's typist is Alec.



‡ Name: Alucard
‡ Alias: Vlad; J. H. Brenner; Count
‡ Race: Midian (vampire)
‡ Age: 573 give or take a couple of years
‡ Height: 6'3"
‡ Weight: 177 lbs
‡ Hair: Black
‡ Eyes: Red
‡ Style: A tall thin man with a cruel smile, he dresses to attract attention first and foremost. The red old-fashioned duster can be seen in the midst of a crowd, his equally old-fashioned gray suit doesn’t distract from his coat’s color and his floppy hat is more of affection than for any real need to keep the sun off of him. However, just because he prefers that particular outfit does not mean he cannot change his wardrobe. Alucard’s clothing is as easily manipulated as the rest of his form, shifting to match what he needs and what level of power he is using to become something different. The only things that does not change are his gloves which echo the seals scarred into the back of his hands during his early days as van Helsing’s captive.
‡ Sex: Being that he can change his form to anything he wishes – from mist to bats to worms to dogs to children and to even women – Alucard has no reservations over sleeping with members of either gender. He favors women out of a deep need for a legacy and a heir, but he has had male lovers on those rare occasions that someone catches his eye. Feeding is linked with sex or war or both for him, so a number of his lovers had also been his food source over the centuries.


Alucard’s form changes due to his needs, his work and his power level. While his usual day-to-day appearance is that of a tall thin man in a huge red duster, he has been seen roaming about Desai in several other forms while working.
The first of his forms most has interacted with has been his child-form. Looking like an effeminate young boy about twelve years old, this form is all in white, from the fuzzy white hat he sometimes wears to the thick-soled white boots and white three-piece suit. His skin, eyes and hair retain the same hair, eye, and skin colors, although most do not notice the red eyes. What they do notice is the very wide grin that looks far too big for his tiny, girlish face. He has named this form ‘Vlad’.
The second form he has shown very briefly is that of J. H. Brenner, a slick, modern dressing man in his early twenties. In this form, he has met with several underworld fringe groups and suppliers in his search for his enemies. His hair remains black, but his eyes are a pale grass-green color that glows red when excited or mad. He often visits the slums and Old Desai and has last been seen questioning a member of a demon-worshipping group.


He is a cruel arrogant man, born of war and bloodied in battle in both life and un-life. He has a dark sense of humour and an overwhelming ego that shines on and off the battlefield, though to him both are the same thing. He loves it when people surprise him, although after all his years finding a new trick to fool him with is nearly impossible. He has a code of honor – twisted, blackened but still a warrior’s honor – and respects an opponent that is willing to fight to the death and shows no fear at all his aspects. Cowards are viewed with scorn, as are liars and braggers – although he himself is prone to boasting – and he loves giving people a lot of chances to off him before he kills them. Towards most people he is rather indifferent to their struggles and stories; for him someone has to earn his acknowledgement, let alone respect.



No-life King

Desai Timeline


IC AIM Username: BloodKnightBond - IM if you want to chat IC with him.

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