Past Events

From Desaiuniversity

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[edit] December 2006

[edit] Desai University

Entertainment: Production of Into the Woods will begin after second round of auditions, led by Vergil DeCleric.

Student Politics: Student Council/Government Elections begin.

Please note that the semester ends December 15th, and the new semester will pick up January 8th (however, during this time, players may still hold class-based scenes)

[edit] City of Desai

December 05th: Saint Nicholas Day
December 07th: Mi'ihen Highroad Day [Spiran]
December 08th: Bodhi Day
December 12th: Virgin of Guadalupe begins
December 15th: Hanukkah begins
December 16th: La Posadas begins
December 21st-22nd: Yule (winter solstice)
December 23rd: Birthday of Emperor Akihito
December 24th: Christmas Eve (also notes beginning of Christmastide); Ziemassvētki
December 25th: Christmas Day; La Posadas ends
December 26th: Kwanzaa begins; Saint Stephen's Day
December 27th: Boxing Day
December 30th: Freedom Day [Spiran: the liberation from machina after the appearance of Sin]
December 31st: New Years Eve; Eid ul-Adha

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