
From Desaiuniversity

Revision as of 23:35, 17 December 2006 by Alec (Talk | contribs)
Alucard sitting in his chair being absolutely bored out of his skull because there is no one to kill right now.

Alucard comes from the manga version of Helsing, after the Freak War that left most of the world in ruins. He came to Desia in search of the remaints of the Letztes Bataillon which had fled certain destruction at Hellsing's hands.

Alucard's typist is Alec.



‡ Name: Alucard
‡ Alias: Vlad; J. H. Brenner; Count
‡ Race: Midian (vampire)
‡ Age: 573 give or take a couple of years
‡ Height: 6'3"
‡ Weight: 177 lbs
‡ Hair: Black
‡ Eyes: Red
‡ Style: Red great coat, gray suit, riding boots and that floppy red hat, Alucard dresses like he forgot what century it is or like he does not care how others view him. ‡ Sex: Sex is sex and it doesn't matter to him what body is the object of his lust. Yes, he targets women more so then men, but he sees no reason to limit himself to jsut one sex when he can take on any form he needs. Besides, sex for him is tied with feeding.





No-life King

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