
From Desaiuniversity

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<p align="justify">'''Greatest fear''': On a technical level, he fears deep water, mostly because he can't swim. His electronics wouldn't fare well anyways.<br>
<p align="justify">'''Greatest fear''': <br> On a technical level, he fears deep water, mostly because he can't swim. His electronics wouldn't fare well anyways.<br>
'''Character is most at ease when:'''Hiding out in the dark of his room, pwnzoring n00bs who think they are all that<br>
'''Character is most at ease when:'''<br> Hiding out in the dark of his room, pwnzoring n00bs who think they are all that<br>
'''Most ill at ease when:'''Put in the limelight in a casually social event.<br>
'''Most ill at ease when:'''<br> Put in the limelight in a casually social event.<br>
'''Priorities:''' Being perfect at living alone. And then finding [[Mello]]. Likely lose him again. Lather, Rinse, Repeat.<br>
'''Priorities:''' <br> Being perfect at living alone. And then finding [[Mello]]. Likely lose him again. Lather, Rinse, Repeat.<br>
'''How he feels about self:'''Confident is one way to put it. He knows what he's good at, and does exactly that. He doesn't really know what he's bad at, but he doesn't care. He knows at least someone out there looks up to his mad talent, and he's content with that.<br>
'''How he feels about self:'''<br> Confident is one way to put it. He knows what he's good at, and does exactly that. He doesn't really know what he's bad at, but he doesn't care. He knows at least someone out there looks up to his mad talent, and he's content with that.<br>
'''If granted one wish, what would it be?'''<br> You have three guesses. First 2 don't count. HINT: What name appears most on this wiki entry, even more than Matt's own name?</p>
'''If granted one wish, what would it be?'''<br> You have three guesses. First 2 don't count. HINT: What name appears most on this wiki entry, even more than Matt's own name?</p>

Revision as of 08:00, 14 April 2007

Sadly, this is pretty much the only picture of him in the Manga that clearly shows his face D:.

It should be noted now that this contains spoilers for the Death Note Manga up to chapter 58, even though Matt was forcibly pulled from AU due to the in-game situation. This is because Agnes is ultra lame and feels the need to justify everything ever. This article will also have more information on this Matt than any one will ever need to know. Even the Mello-mun, whoever they may be.


The Basics

Name: Mail Jeevas; goes predominantly by "Matt"
Age: 18
Height: 5'6
Weight: 144 lbs/52kg
Hair: Brownish-Red. Coarse due to lack of sun, and messy due to general lack of care.
Eye: Hazel, but always covered with yellow lensed goggles.
In-Game Associations: Rikku (Garage buddy), Elena (Awesome Techie-chick, sorta), Rukia (Gaming pupil), Light (OCD!roommate, would hate Light a lot more if he knew he was Kira), L (Would-be idol, generally indifferent).
IC AIM SN: misbugged


This is long. You probably don't care, but encyclopedias don't always care about what you care about. Deal.


Matt's greatest source of strength is his resilience of spirit. Unlike many people of his demeanor, his energy and cheerfulness isn't a mask for any sort of deeper, unrelenting trauma (online, at least. Offline, he is stifled by his lack of social skills and tends to withdraw, and he is a little iffy about his handling of certain events. But, he's definitely not a depressive soul, and he isn't secretly suffering.). He doesn't even believe in that pretend-to-be-happy nonsense. He's a laid back, go with the flow kind of guy. And while things do get him down occasionally, he will invariably bounce back with a good kick of revenge for whatever got him down in the first place.

Alternatively, his greatest weakness is simply the fact that is a support character through and through. He, at the base of his character, is an altruistic feeling sort. He might be resilient, but he is nonetheless impressionable beyond saving. He's made attempts to curb this, but when it comes to the few people he respects and looks up to, there's nothing he won't bring himself to do for them.


Greatest fear:
On a technical level, he fears deep water, mostly because he can't swim. His electronics wouldn't fare well anyways.
Character is most at ease when:
Hiding out in the dark of his room, pwnzoring n00bs who think they are all that
Most ill at ease when:
Put in the limelight in a casually social event.
Being perfect at living alone. And then finding Mello. Likely lose him again. Lather, Rinse, Repeat.
How he feels about self:
Confident is one way to put it. He knows what he's good at, and does exactly that. He doesn't really know what he's bad at, but he doesn't care. He knows at least someone out there looks up to his mad talent, and he's content with that.
If granted one wish, what would it be?
You have three guesses. First 2 don't count. HINT: What name appears most on this wiki entry, even more than Matt's own name?

Crisis Handling

Everyone knows the only way to know a person is to test their mettle. Matt's mettle is a tough one, as previously established. He's an ad-libbing gamer and a genius-detective in denial (sort of. Less genius, more creative.) and will handle any crisis the same way: Staring the problem down and going at it with any direct or indirect angle that will yield the greatest result the quickest. For the internal conflicts, he doesn't waste time getting over them. There are better things to be doing, after all.

Kira vs Light

Matt was blessed with the AWESOME plot potential this is having Light as his roommate. Unfortunately, there're a few obstacles that come with being played slightly pre-second arc. First, he is entirely unaware of the fact that Light = Kira. There was never a Mello to pull him into the case (though the lackthereof is certainly a great source of resentment towards Kira for having pulled Matt's self-adopted family apart). And while it probably wouldn't be hard to figure out the connection if he looked, he just... doesn't care. He's not at home anymore and is under the impression that the Kira case has not leaked over. He's also under the impression that the world's 3 greatest detectives being on the case means they don't need him. If they do, he figures, they will come to him. Until then, tough.


Now, put simply, Matt here? Is an orphan. His deeper origins are something he absolutely refuses to reveal, especially since they have been repressed beyond rescuing at this point. Instead, he has taken to calling Whammy's House his home, and a few of the people there his family. Cringing yet? His oldest, recallable memory is, unsurprisingly, a big, blocky yellow Gameboy the size of a VHS that he received as a gift some time prior to being tossed into the home.

But despite his early exposure to video games, general trauma, and mental exercises, the incidents that have most clearly shaped his life so far all revolve around Mello. The two were close, their friendship being built on the basis that Matt could handle whatever rough and tumble Mello dished out, could make eachother laugh, and that their relationship never threatened Mello's position as a potential heir to L (mostly due to Matt's attitude towards the whole deal. Being first gives you complacency; second, drive; but third just gives you a lot of apathy). While it is entirely likely that Matt held Mello in much, much higher regard than Mello held him, he didn't care. He was a subordinative child, and Mello liked to throw orders around; he was loyal and didn't judge, Mello has an inferiority complex. It just worked, and it was these traits that were specially developed during his prime years. He had even gone as far as to have conjured up some way to feed Mello's chocolate addiction once they left the orphanage and had that hard-to-do transition time.

Now, L obviously didn't die, seeing as he is in this game. But rules are rules and children are kicked out at the age of 15 at Whammy's. More importantly: Mello left at least two months before Matt could. Which wouldn't have been a problem. Except Mello didn't leave any sort of note, goodbye, or explanation and that pissed Matt off. He defected to Near out of a general need to latch onto someone to guide him, at least until he got used to not having Mello around. He got himself out of the orphanage soon enough, but there wasn't a lot a lackey could do without a boss. Time for some reforming, he decided. How well he pulled it off is questionable (especially considering he harbors some small hope of finding Mello again), but he likes to delude himself into thinking he was successful.


Matt's finances come from big time heists, no two ways around it. He's adopted the title of being the Robin Hood of the cyber age, even though he doesn't actually give to the poor. He does, however, do a wonderful job of stealing from corporations and throwing it into a bank, only to withdraw funds for games and electronics, souping up his car, power bills, and the occasional shopping for basic needs.

Like all of the children at Whammy's, this little redhead was forced to grow up a little too fast. And like the other children, their youth was crammed into a fixation on a memento from childhood. Where L's was sweets; Near, toys; Mello, chocolate; Matt's childhood happens to be concentrated in the form of an unyielding love of video games. Because of this, his taste in games is split right down the middle between children's games (like Super Mario Bros.), and particularly touchy games (like CounterStrike).

Matt is also a chain smoker, two packs a day, at least (although a good third of those cigarettes are only lit, puffed, and then stamped out). The origins of his addiction are rather pessimistic, having picked it up the day he left the orphanage. Even stranger is the fact that he was blessed with a strong set of lungs prior to it. Still feeling rather upset, and struck with the revelation that the dollars and bills he had saved up from his stay at Whammy's (and had promised to use to fund Mello's chocolate fixes) wouldn't salvage their relationship, he used it and picked up an addiction of his own. One whose own massive, longterm impact on his life wouldn't fail and leave suddenly. He knows now that it was pretty dumb of him, but he doesn't regret it.

And to quickly explain the skunk by the name of EPIC. It's odd for him to have a pet, really. He was one of those kids who like to salt snails as a kid just to watch them squirm and bubble. But Matt does have a subtle but strong protective streak, and he's been in need of something to protect and take care of (his car, unfortunately, is back home), so a little, reckless baby animal seemed like the good choice. Really. Note in the Manga how he keeps his backside away from people unless it's to cover Mello.


- Matt can often be found accidentally blurring the line between reality and video games
- The fact that his first friends at DU are both blond is entirely coincidental. Really.
- He's trying to build a robot battle suit for EPIC, since he had his scent glands removed. It's not really working
- Matt's private entries, while very carefully protected, are also written in (sometimes French first, given his French-Spanish ancestry) Hexidecimal. They are then translated into octal, and again into binary. It's a triple-sometimes-quadruple translation process leading to a usually cryptic babbling post that deters snoopy viewers from proceeding.

Anachronism/the 4th Wall

Matt is a Gamer. Desai University is a multifandom RP whose characters are mostly from video games. This clearly results in a problem. To circumvent this, the only characters who are ever named are ones that are NOT in the accepted fandoms list. Everything else will remain painfully vague. Also, Death Note is a series that takes place in the future so games/consoles available will be different. Not by much, though. Matt will simply be played BEFORE the beginning of the second arc so that the year he is pulled from is synchronous with Real world time.

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