Yumichika Ayasegawa

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Underneath all of the vanity and pretention, Yumichika is an intensely loyal person and can be quite selfless-- by his division's standards, that is, which aren't exactly conventional-- towards those he finds worthy of such action. He lives by the Eleventh Division's code of honor (which, while a "survival of the fittest" mantra that many people find unpalatable, is still a personal set of morals he stands by), and hides both his real abilities and power level so that he can stay with the people he cares about. And he doesn't mind being poor or at a lower rank than he could be as long as he's not surrounded by "ugly people." Given the physical appearances of the people he associates with, it's clear his definition of ugly in this case is a bit different than the one he normally uses to judge.<br>
Underneath all of the vanity and pretention, Yumichika is an intensely loyal person and can be quite selfless-- by his division's standards, that is, which aren't exactly conventional-- towards those he finds worthy of such action. He lives by the Eleventh Division's code of honor (which, while a "survival of the fittest" mantra that many people find unpalatable, is still a personal set of morals he stands by), and hides both his real abilities and power level so that he can stay with the people he cares about. And he doesn't mind being poor or at a lower rank than he could be as long as he's not surrounded by "ugly people." Given the physical appearances of the people he associates with, it's clear his definition of ugly in this case is a bit different than the one he normally uses to judge.<br>
Everything in the first paragraph still holds true, by the way. Yumichika <i>is</i> all of those awful things, and you will know it within five minutes of meeting him. And unless you're one of a very select group of people, you'll never see anything <i>but</i> the pathological narcissist who likes to kill things.
Everything in the first paragraph still holds true, by the way. Yumichika <i>is</i> all of those awful things, and you will know it within five minutes of meeting him. And unless you're one of a very select group of people, you'll never see anything <i>but</i> the pathological narcissist who likes to kill things. He's got a sociopathic streak a mile wide, which just feeds into both his narcissism and his violence. The vast majority of people, rules, and norms? Don't even register for him, let alone <i>matter</i>.
== Background ==
== Background ==

Revision as of 05:20, 1 February 2007

Don't let the prissy narcissism fool you; Yumichika is at least as crazy and violent as everyone else in the Eleventh Division. Maybe even a bit moreso.
Yumichika is from the manga Bleach; specifically, he comes from the latest point he's appeared in the manga-- namely, the end of the Arrancar arc. His backstory is unaltered from manga canon. He is a shinigami and the Fifth Seat of the Eleventh Division of the Gotei-13 and is munned by Megan.



Name: Ayasegawa Yumichika (綾瀬川 弓親)
Age: Unknown. Since he's of a Vice-Captain level he's presumably several hundred years old, but appears to be in his early twenties. If asked by someone who wouldn't or shouldn't know his real age, he'll tell you he's twenty-two.
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 124 lbs.
Hair: Black.
Eyes: Violet.
Family: Unknown, although his best friend Madarame Ikkaku bears mentioning here.
In-Game Associations: Zaraki Kenpachi (Captain of the Eleventh Division), Matsumoto Rangiku (Vice-Captain of the Tenth Division), Kurosaki Isshin (Professional fashion victim).

Style: Yumichika veers back and forth between bold and classic. He's quite fond of bright colors (and stark neutrals like dark gray and black), but wears them as accents to more classic clothing. He's more likely to wear a conservative outfit with a few bright accents (such as his jewelry) than he is a shocking ensemble. He takes immaculate care of his hair and skin, and manicures his fingernails. At the same time, though, his hair isn't long or elaborate enough to get in his way and his nails are just long enough to be neat and attractive; he doesn't style himself in such a way that would impede him in a fight.

Notable Features: His eyelashes and eyebrow on the left side are tipped with long rainbow feathers. It's unknown whether this is an artificial affectation or a side-effect of his zanpakutou's real form, but his player is inclined to believe the latter.

Weapons: His zanpakutou, Fujikujaku (藤孔雀, literally Wisteria Peacock), is a kidoh-type (meaning that it uses spells) and takes the form of a sickle. In his initial shikai release he can split the blade into four parts hinged on a single handle. Yumichika is one of several shinigami seen with multiple stages to his sword's shikai release; the second stage (which is one of his more closely-guarded secrets) is a powerful kidoh attack that drains an opponent's spiritual energy and uses it to replenish Yumichika's own. He can use this to simultaneously disable an enemy and heal himself. Being from the Eleventh Division, he's focused extensively on swordsmanship and hand to hand combat; because of his size, he's far more focused on speed and agility than he is on brute strength and fortitude. He also has a natural aptitude for kidoh (as demonstrated by his zanpakutou) but voluntarily chooses to hide this fact and thus almost never uses such techniques.

Yumichika is currently trying to learn his bankai release, but is having a great deal of trouble on account of his not getting along with his zanpakutou. Fujikujaku is, judging by what Yumichika says about it, the only being in existence more self-centered and vain than Yumichika himself. There's also the fact that he treats Fujikujaku like a fault to be hidden, something that can't be too pleasing to a narcissistic soul.


Yumichika is, at first glance, arrogant, vain, and narcissistic, as well as pretentious, selfish, and violent. He's obsessed with physical appearance and mannerisms in both himself and others, holding both up to the same ruthless personal standards. He loves outside conflict, be it physical or verbal, although he tends to avoid personal conflict within his own circle if at all possible. All of these traits tie together to make him an utterly self-centered person with such an ego that sometimes he honestly cannot see that he's stepping on other people. And when he does see it, well, he doesn't care that he's doing it. In fact, he'll probably be quite pleased with himself for it.

Or at least, that's what people outside the top ranks of the Eleventh Division would tell you.

Underneath all of the vanity and pretention, Yumichika is an intensely loyal person and can be quite selfless-- by his division's standards, that is, which aren't exactly conventional-- towards those he finds worthy of such action. He lives by the Eleventh Division's code of honor (which, while a "survival of the fittest" mantra that many people find unpalatable, is still a personal set of morals he stands by), and hides both his real abilities and power level so that he can stay with the people he cares about. And he doesn't mind being poor or at a lower rank than he could be as long as he's not surrounded by "ugly people." Given the physical appearances of the people he associates with, it's clear his definition of ugly in this case is a bit different than the one he normally uses to judge.

Everything in the first paragraph still holds true, by the way. Yumichika is all of those awful things, and you will know it within five minutes of meeting him. And unless you're one of a very select group of people, you'll never see anything but the pathological narcissist who likes to kill things. He's got a sociopathic streak a mile wide, which just feeds into both his narcissism and his violence. The vast majority of people, rules, and norms? Don't even register for him, let alone matter.


Not much is known about Yumichika's early background, except that he and Madarame Ikkaku lived in Rukongai and became shinigami after Ikkaku fought (and lost to) Zaraki Kenpachi. They both chose to enter the Eleventh Division to serve under Zaraki (although it's unknown if they became shinigami before, after, or at the same time he attained Captainship). Ikkaku became the Third Seat of the division, and Yumichika should have been the Fourth Seat; however, he thinks that four is an ugly number and prefers the number three. Since he wouldn't take the third position away from his best friend even if he could, he opted to take the Fifth Seat of the division. (In kanji, the number five is written similarly to the number three, and Yumichika finds it a far more attractive number than four.) He claims to be at Vice-Captain level, and every indication is that this isn't idle bragging. He defeated Vice-Captain Hisagi Shuhei of the Ninth Division quite easily once he decided to use his zanpakutou's real shikai ability, for example.

Fujikujaku's second ability is to drain an opponent's spiritual energy and feed it back into Yumichika, which restores his spiritual power and heals his injuries. It also has the side effect of, if enough energy is drained, making him higher than a kite. This is what happens after draining a Vice-Captain almost to the point of unconsciousness. When you're so loopy that you creep out Kenpachi, something is definitely wrong.

He is ostensibly on assignment in Desai. He's declared his university major as Visual Communications (emphasis Photography).


Yumichika can be found on the network at violetelegance and on instant messaging at deathinfeathers.


Yumichika is often harassed on the network by Kurosaki Isshin. Sometimes it's his own fault, but most of the time it isn't.

He needs to learn not to click on the links Matsumoto Rangiku gives him. So far she has scared him with anorexics, zoophiles, breast reductions, and 4chan. Yet he always follows the links; why he does this is a great mystery of life.

In addition to his regular class load, he's acting as Zaraki Kenpachi's teaching assistant.

His current roommate is Fai.

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