Hikaru Hitachiin

From Desaiuniversity

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[[Vergil]]: Student Body President of Choice. Hikaru finds him odd. In both the good and bad way.
[[Vergil]]: Student Body President of Choice. Hikaru finds him odd. In both the good and bad way.
[[Sae]]: Hikaru dislikes her. Immensely. Beyond words. Simply for the fact that she makes Kaoru sad/irate whenever they run into her. He also finds her screechy, annoying, and a try-hard.
[[Sae]]: Hikaru dislikes her. Immensely. Beyond words. Simply for the fact that she makes Kaoru sad/irate whenever they run into her. He also finds her screechy, annoying, and a try-hard.<br>
[[Rufus]]: "Oversensitive prick with an ego the size of Manhattan."
[[Rufus]]: "Oversensitive prick with an ego the size of Manhattan."

Revision as of 23:30, 7 January 2007

It's suprisingly difficult to find pictures of the twins by themselves D:.

Hikaru is one of the seven hosts from Ouran High School Host Club, though technically, he and Kaoru count as one host. He's pulled straight from post-anime canon and the missing years have been attacked by creative license. The mun can't stand the Ouran manga art style for some retarded reason, so the manga canon is lost on her.

Hikaru used to be munned by Jennifer on the same account as the one he's on now (not the Jennifer who plays Light), but she sucks and skipped out on us >:/ and Agnes spams her with guilt trips on a regular basis. Just thought you should know.



Age: 17
Height: 5'10
Weight: 161 lbs
Hair Color: Strawberry Blond
Eye Color: Golden-Brown
IC AIM: Dualizing
IC Journal: Twincurious


Hikaru, for all intents and purposes, is just a huge conglomerate of mental extremes.

He's socially detached and has this thing where he believes that everyone is an idiot save himself and his brother (and recently, most of the Host Club). At the same time, when he becomes attached, he's clingy and overbearing and picks up this mile wide protective streak. Similarly, he's very apathetic a lot of the time, or at least easily finds a reason to not care. When he's interested in something, he's very, very passionate about it (but his interest in it can easily die and he'll just drop it and move on to something else entirely with little trouble). He's either too blunt, or can't seem to articulate what he feels for the life of him and comes across as snappy and irritable. If he's not building someone up, he's knocking them down. He's perfectly logical and a mathematical genius, but logic is absolutely lost on him when dealing with real people.

He is almost lacking in a moral conscience when he's messing with someone, never holding back, and often dealing some very low blows (especially if he feels he is in some degree of danger). He has no sense of when something is too much and when to step down and back away. He simply goes until it isn't interesting for him anymore, which is luckily a point that isn't hard to reach. Either way, it's just another reason why he needs Kaoru around--to restrain him. Hikaru wears his heart on his sleeve and doesn't often stop to think. He's stubborn to a fault, which is bad considering how unpredictable he is and how strong his love of general chaos is. He wouldn't dare pass up a chance to pull some sort of silly prank to stir things up, but that's because he likes to know that his plots succeed, and not necessarily because he's out to harm. But it is very true that he can't stand being bored and that he thinks people are stupid regardless.

The only place that chaos is absolutely not allowed to permeate is when it is detrimental to him or his brother in some way. He is fiercely protective of Kaoru, to the point that nothing comes even close to scaring him as much as harm to his brother does. He will drop everything for Kaoru at a moment's notice, often trying to assume the big brother role, but also often failing due to his immaturity. Instead, Hikaru usually ends up having to lean on Kaoru's shoulder for support--the reverse of their public persona.

In spite of his social deficiencies, Hikaru is actually greatly intelligent. He's something of a jack of all trades, dabbling in a bit of everything, but he also excels in the arts and mathematical sciences. Like his brother, Hikaru is almost always acting in some way, distorting his nature before presenting it to the public. It's something of a a miracle that he hasn't lost himself in all his lies and acts. His roles are extensive and while they are infinitely varied, there is always a small piece of Hikaru worked into them, which is exactly what makes it so hard for people to tell when he is faking.

He likes spicy foods and maple syrup (not together). Well, he doesn't really like spicy foods. He eats it to show off.


The elder son of a big name fashion designer, terrifyingly wealthy and has a vast array of resources and time. At a very young age, both twins grew frustrated with the people around them and had since labeled them as stupid. Though unknowingly mean, they were relatively normal little boys with a fondness for games. They were, for lack of a better term, betrayed by one of their maids years ago. Through a couple of ill-thought out words, she completely perverted their minds and caused them to totally isolate themselves from the rest of the world right up until highschool. In that period, they were abrasive, cruel, and manipulative little brats who got their fun out of trampling all over people. In spite of the distance they insisted on keeping between themselves and everyone else, all eyes in the class were always on the creepy little Hitachiin boys (much to their chagrin).

In their last year of Junior high, Tamaki came along. Through his indomitable spirit and all around bizarre character, he began drawing them out of their shell using the Host Club as an agent (recruitment was the most frustrating thing the twins ever had to resist). The process lasted through their highschool career and ongoing, though the twins have since taken the job up on their own. In that time, they grew to love the club and its members. 'Love' isn't even an exaggeration, since Hikaru broke his arm for the sake of keeping the club together. He also half-fell for Haruhi in the process, which caused all sorts of inane tensions, but eventually ceded her to Tamaki. Hikaru graduated 5th in his class.

Current Status

Still working on screwing Zidane over via modeling scam.

Hikaru also plays the part of one of Cinderella's step sisters in the School's production of Into The Woods


Kaoru: Younger twin. Grew up with him. Loves him with all of his heart and then some.
Trish: Not entirely sure what their relationship with Trish is. It's very much love-hate for the most part. They like the fact that she's not a little piss ant and can appreciate their genius. They don't like the fact that she can brush them off as easily as she does. But they're little princes, so that's probably to be expected from them. She also reminds Hikaru of a fish for some reason, but that's neither here nor there.
Lady: The twins were unnerved by the fact that anyone could be as unsociable as she is (and that's saying a lot coming from them). Hikaru just flat out dislikes her and thinks she is mentally retarded. He is also keen on the fact that she's a hypocrite and a bitch.
Vergil: Student Body President of Choice. Hikaru finds him odd. In both the good and bad way.
Sae: Hikaru dislikes her. Immensely. Beyond words. Simply for the fact that she makes Kaoru sad/irate whenever they run into her. He also finds her screechy, annoying, and a try-hard.
Rufus: "Oversensitive prick with an ego the size of Manhattan."

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