
From Deonnew

Revision as of 12:17, 7 June 2007 by (Talk)
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Anonymous says:
so tell me what happened
[Deon!] says:
A friend (April) put her phone down her top to stop the teacher (Mr. Cheung) taking it off her. Instead, 
Mr. C decided to put his hand down her top and fetch the phone
[Deon!]              says:
I made a statement as a witness
[Deon!]              says:
The principal (AY) was quite simple: "Retract your statement, say nothing happened, and you're fine. Don't 
and ther'll be consequences"
[Deon!]             says:
AY and Vice Principal (SY) had quite the meeting with me today
[Deon!]             says:
and AY suspended me.
--[Anonynous]-- says:
shit. you could take that to court
[Deon!]             says:
As April will.
--[Anonymous]-- says:
suspending you because you didn't agree to blackmail
[Deon!]              says:
[Deon!]             says:
And I told him that
--[Anonymous]-- says:
did she get suspended?
[Deon!]              says:
Of course the Suspension notice doesn't say "not agreeing to Blackmail" does it
--[Anonyous]-- says:
true true
[Deon!]             says:
She's not around atm (sick) but she will be,yes
--[Anonyous]-- says:
--[Anonyous]-- says:
i'd get your dad to beat the fuck out of the principle
--[Anonyous]-- says:
or, get him to blackmail the principle
--[Anonyous]-- says:
like you discover him having an extramarital relationship
--[Anonyous]-- says:
and torture him through blackmail
[Deon!]             says:
how many witnesses
I get suspended for starting trouble
And the witness they're calling wasn't even in the room
but apparently 1 "out of the room" teacher witness is more credible than 3 "in the room" student 
Well when Dad shows up 15 years later.. I'll be sure to put it on a sticky and put it on his 
I've tried that
He threatened expulsion.
I pulled back.
And fast.
Anonymous says:
--[Anonyous]-- says:
i'd say you go get a group of friends and bash the fuck out of him, and say that if you threaten 
him again, he'll be visiting again
--[Anonyous]-- says:
and then he'll be in your control
Simon suggested that :P
--[Anonyous]-- says:
but that could turn sour
Well.. AY didn't appreciate the day Aprils mum turned up with a baseball bat
--[Anonyous]-- says:
hang on
--[Anonyous]-- says:
AY =
SY =
Simons suggestion: Whip out your phone put it to your ear, tell him he has 5 minutes before Aprils 
mums back
AY = Allamby (Campus Principal)      <--- Fucktard
SY = Styles  (Vice Principal)
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