Rupert Walgrove

From Demiurge Games

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Rupert Theodore Walgrove

Species: Human

Country of Origin: Rhovanny

Immigration Status: Student Visa, Citizenship pending

Occupation: Student at GRAM seeking Bachelor’s Degree in Elementalism, experienced member of the Explorer's Society, National Hero.

Age: 23

Physical Description: 5’8, light build. Short brown hair that always has a slight cowlick. Black wire framed glasses with thick lenses. Typically in khakis and a polo shirt. Everything one would expect with a name like “Rupert”.

Mini-Bio: Rupert comes from a fairly well to do family in the nation of Rhovanny. Unfortunately, due to his status as the 6th Son of a 7th Son of a 7th Son, he was destined to live a life of boredom and service to the estate, mostly likely as a mid level administrator. Sensing this impending life of drudgery, Rupert amicably parted ways with his family and went in search of a way to make his own impact on the multiverse.

Flitting from realm to realm, he eventually heard about a promising new kingdom with a new and exciting magical studies program. The cost of tuition? Four years of service with the Royal Explorer’s Society. Countless adventures, a Time Raft, and one National Hero medal later, he’s confident he made the right choice.

Semi-relationship with Cynthia Quagmire.

Blamed for blowing up Elizabeth Thompson's car along with Professor Thomas.

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