Robert Singleton

From Demiurge Games

Revision as of 01:45, 25 December 2007 by JR (Talk | contribs)

The kinain son to a friendly Boggan Baker, Robert Singleton has always been a little out there. Open to the chimerical world at a young age has allowed Robert to have a very open view on life, magic, and dreams, who else had their own talking mouse named Brianna for a best friend? Although he never really picked up on his mother's knack for baking (as evidenced by his college diet of ramen, much to his mother's disapproval), he has shown a remarkable aptitude for chemistry which he expanded upon with metallurgy courses.

After college, Robert was very surprised when an uncle, David Eisenguard, had dissapered without trace in the deepest jungles of South America. The executors of his uncle's estate, going off of his living will, bequeathed him a small corporation that develops alternative fuels, as well as a mansion and a rather extensive library. Delving into the literary works, Robert determined they contained, in great detail, the art of alchemy, as well as his uncle's journal which included an imploring plea to Robert to continue his uncle's work in developing a 100% efficient energy source.

Robert arrived at the manor to find Demitri, Jilia, and Reynolds already residents there, all of who went out of their way to make him feel at home. Robert took on business at the research lab, and studied his uncle's writings at home, and everything seemed perfectly fine until the arrival of Jarrod and Bob followed by Ian and Joey.

The two separate groups brought the same news, Robert and Eisenguard Industries had been targeted by a faction within the technocracy intent on destroying them to protect their profit margin. Preparing themselves, the group was startled when the first volley in the war was an ancient book, Dreams of the White Court, a cursed book of faery tales that manifests spirits in its location. Binding the book and sealing it in a vault for safe keeping.

Shortly after the book Robert found himself visited by an griffon named Trevor, bearing a gift for him from an unknown recipient. A pair of guardian masks and a message stone were inside the package prepared for Robert, the message playing a small recorded hologram of a great mage named Master Tzun who knew his uncle, and who offered to train him in his hedgemagic if he so desired. Robert accepted his gifts graciously and took on his apprenticeship to the mage using Trevor as a messenger to communicate with the elderly mage.

A few weeks later, Robert found the Dreams of the White Court at a used book store. Buying it quickly he returned home to add it the other in his vault and found the vault empty. It was the same book! The book was bound in chains enspelled by Jarrod and seared with Warning symbols into the leatherbound hide(though someone would wonder why it had a biohazard and nuclear symbol on it.. they might get the gist), and locked up in the vault away from anything else.

Robert proceeded to continue on with his life, gaining the protection of the five elemental dragons from the help of Jarrod and the unseen Auntie Tsai. At a local art charity function for the wealthy elite, Robert came across Julia Hardgrave, another wealthy socialite that promoted the arts along the western seaboard. Smitten by the attractive woman, he was surprised to find her reciprocating the feeling. At this time Robert also under went a spiritual awakening, finding himself able to see the ebb and flow of quintessence around him. Jarrod attempted to teach him the bare basics that Robert could understand, but true understanding came from a solicitation he received in the mail. Filling out the information request form, he received a package via air courier the following day. Robert viewed the project contained within as a personal challenge, and 8,987,091 steps later, his own little robotic dog was "born". Interceptor created jealousy in Rob's first pet, but soon soothed the mouses ire when it listened to her as much as it listend to Robert.

Robert's Sheet

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