Viking tribes

From Demiurge Games

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The viking tribes originally came to CrossRealms as would be conquerors, seeing the fledgeling kingdom as an easy prize. Their dress and mannerisms are consistent with those of early Norse settlements, though genetically they are only superficially human and did not originate from Earth. Many of the original settlers of the kingdom were prisoners that were captured by the tribes and towed around as slaves, humans from various walks of life and different levels of sophistication freed by the queen, Yusaku Godai. The tribes expressed both technological and mystical advancement, deceiving their enemies with the veneer of a primitive civilization.

Three attempts were made against the kingdom, but after the third, the tribes found themselves trapped and surrounded. Much of the leadership was slain in the final attack, struck down by a shadow demon(Mathew Gregor) and unseen foes(Hollow Strike Force). Without supplies and starving women and children, the tribes submitted to the queen, expecting to be enslaved. Yusaku accepted their surrender though their enslavement was not what they were thinking. They were granted a reservation of sorts in the northern lands, to farm and cultivate on their own as a semi-autonomous government within the kingdom, but would be held to the kingdom's rules, regulations and mandates. All able bodied members were to serve in their own regiment within the Godai Royal Forces. Bewildered, the tribes could do nothing but accept.

Since then the tribes have cast off the primative veneer, keeping their culture but advancing with the rest of the mix-matched kingdom. The tribes consider the kingdom as their home, and consider the fact that they have been absorbed and a key part of the kingdom since an honor. To be defeated by the determined community of the kingdom and then becoming a core part of it, fighting off the numerous attacks that have occurred since has endeared them to the place. Since the destruction and rebuilding of the realm, the tribes now dwell nestled between the Northern Mountains and the Great Forest.

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