From Deathmenwalking
There are personalized bikes...and then there are custom-built cycles.
What is the difference involving the two?
Cusstomized Cycles
Well, anybody who has got the clerks and visits a bike shop there help him, or her, fit the bike precisely, will often "customize" their bike by selecting the sort of sad...
There are three forms of competitors - the casual cyclist, the specific week-end novice, and the fanatic. It's the fanatic who'll probably need to get a personalized street bike.
There are personalized bikes...and then there are custom-built bikes.
What's the difference between your two?
Cusstomized Bicycles
Well, anybody who goes to a bike shop and gets the clerks there support him, or her, fit the bike properly, will often "customize" their bike by selecting the kind of seat they like (narrow or wide, gel-filled, etc.), various stem lengths for handlebar height, v-pull or disc brakes, etc.
You can continue to customize your bicycle with accessories such as for instance bells, compasses, and lights - and if you are good at that sort of thing you can also give a paint job to it. (Indeed, I have got a Schwinn Sierra that is about four years old, and I have been considering giving a brand new coat to it of blue paint with yellow highlights. Unfortunately, I know I don't have the skill to make it seem even almost decent.)
Road bikes are, clearly, designed especially to drive on roads, and are not fitted to cross-country travel. The tires are very narrow to give as little resistance as you possibly can to the trail, and the bars are of the drop-down kind which force the driver to lean forward at an acute angle. But, there are many additions to the bars one can get in order that when resting is more important than speed, it is possible to still and sit up straight get a handle on the bike correctly.
Lowriders are a different type of road cycle, although not merely one used for racing, but rather for cruising around revealing their paint jobs.
Custom Created
What does custom-built mean? A custom-built cycle is the one that is made for you personally from the bottom up - and hand-crafted more regularly than perhaps not. Your every description is taken and the frame is made to those dimensions. Cranksets will fit your legs, prime tubes will be just the right length, and it will be developed from the space-age material you like.
And along with that of course you can choose the forms of shifters and breaks you'd like as well.
Custom-built bikes are probably the most expensive bikes you could possibly get, but they will fit you just like a glove and if you are a critical bike driver that's the type of bike you'll need.
Significant road bikers have several different actions by which they can engage, from"ultra long-distance riding" (Randonneuring) to triathlons - where one of the three sections of the battle is biking. These form of athletes need to have custom-built bikes.
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