Friday 30th December 2005
From Deal Or No Deal
Contents |
Information on player
Name: Maxwell Freeman His Box: 12
Game Summary: Maxwell had a system. He recorded the boxes that everyone had in his 23 shows he did on the show, and the thought he'd cracked the system on how the numbers were put in he boxes. The system he had took him and the Quarter of a Million to the final 5. It was a totally one-box game. The Banker had offered £30,000. He Dealt. If he'd have gone on, he'd have been faced with an offer of £110,000! But luckily, his Box 12 was opened, and there was £10 inside
First Round
14- £1
6- £1,000
21- £20,000
13- £50
17- £35,000
Offer- £1,400 NO DEAL
Second Round
10- £100,000
2- £10,000
4- 50p
Offer- £3,000 NO DEAL
Third Round
20- £50,000
18- £75,000
5- £3,000
Offer- £6,000 NO DEAL
Fourth Round
9- 1p
16- 10p
1- £500
Offer- £17,000 NO DEAL
Fifth Round
22- £15,000
7- £250
3- £5,000
Offer- £30,000 DEAL!
Sixth Round (Prove-out)
8- £5
11- £750
15- £100
Hypothetical Offer- £110,000
Final 2 Boxes
Box 12 contained £10
Box 19 contained £250,000
In Box- £10
Highest offer- £110,000
Maxwell Takes Home- £30,000
Result- Technical Banker Win.