Deal or no Deal DVD Game

From Deal Or No Deal

Revision as of 15:15, 2 January 2007 by MentalMickey (Talk | contribs)
Deal or No Deal DVD cover art

The Deal Or No Deal Interactive DVD Game was released in the UK on 13 November 2006. Hosted by Noel Edmonds, the specially-shot DVD also features 21 former contestants of the show to open boxes for the player. Each of the twenty-one players is assigned the same box number (Sally Kettle for example, the first female member of the 1p club will always open box number one) - you as the player are stuck with Box 5, though you can swap for another box at the end of the game.

In common with many DVD "interactive" games that use "branching" technology, there are a number of playability issues that affect various DVD players, especially at the budget end of the market. It is not unknown for games to "freeze up" completely half-way through, and in many cases the tail end of a sentence or box-opening will cut-off while the DVD tries to work out which scenario it should be playing next. There have been accusations too that the numbers in the boxes at not as "random" as it first appears, and many users are reporting having amazingly similiar games, a scenario which should not happen if the number generation was 100% legit.

Most reported problems with the game stem from the method used to choose the boxes, as the user has to scroll backwards and forwards through the available box numbers until they find the one they want. As a result, a single game can become somewhat long-winded and has been known to equal or exceed the running time of a normal TV episode of "Deal or No Deal". These playability issues are dogging a number of customer reviews of this title at

That said, the DVD rode high in all the charts for Christmas 2006, and found its way into many fans Christmas stockings.

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