Tuesday 4th April 2006

From Deal Or No Deal

Revision as of 12:25, 15 January 2007 by Angry Cab Driver (Talk | contribs)
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Kirsty Hardle almost wins the £250,000.

Kirsty Hardle, played on Tuesday 4th April 2006.


[edit] Information on Player

[edit] First Round & Offer

Box 1-Julia - 50p

Box 16-Gary - £35,000

Box 8-Cathy - £50,000

Box 19-Clare - £50

Box 7-Johnnie - £15,000

Banker's Offer: £4,100

Kirsty says... "No Deal"

[edit] Second Round & Offer

Box 11-Dave W - £5,000

Box 14-J.T - 10p

Box 2-Maxine - £100

Banker's Offer: £11,000

Kirsty says... "No Deal"

[edit] Third Round & Offer

Box 13-Massimo - £750

Box 15-Dave E - £10

Box 4-Fadil - £5

Banker's Offer: £17,000

Kirsty says... "No Deal"

[edit] Fourth Round & Offer

Box 5-James - 1p

Box 9-Pat M - £1

Box 21-Richard - £1,000

Banker's Offer: £22,000

Kirsty says... "No Deal"

[edit] Fifth Round & Offer

Box 17-Gabrielle - £10,000

Box 6-John - £250

Box 18-Linda - £20,000

Banker's Offer: £51,000

Kirsty says... "No Deal"

[edit] Sixth Round & Offer

Box 20-Pat G - £500

Box 10-Helen - £3,000

Box 12-Pete - £100,000

Banker's Offer: £125,000

Kirsty says... "No Deal"

[edit] Final Statistics

Kirsty has Box Number 22 which contains: £75,000

Box 3-Sandra- is left over which had: £250,000

Kirsty takes home: £75,000

Lowest Offer = £4,100

Highest Offer = £125,000

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