
From Davenrathh

Revision as of 14:27, 15 October 2006 by (Talk)
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Mosslade Mosswilde was once an old wizard who took pride in raising young adventurers in his own time. He would raise the young folk and have them work on his farm etc. Mosslade was responsible for raising several Pc's but was struck down by The Queen, a White dragon in service to the Black Bone.

Mosslaide also holds a reputation in Abredon for being one of the formost magical researchers in the world. He has experimented in a variety of fields, from planar travel to body-switching. He is known to have produced at least one clone, (a new body for his son Ian). What other research Mosslaide has done has now been lost with the old Wizard. He was on good terms with many of the Wizard community, such as Cromwell (whom he raised), and Althamis, who eventually led the resistence to Cromwell's rise to power.

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