Raven StormStalker

From Davenrathh

Revision as of 17:26, 11 December 2006 by (Talk)
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I had to change my guy. He would have OWNED with 2d12+8 dmg but he would have been boring as hell. So if we need a tank/empty shell, we could use him. He has no brains or character, but he'd be fun to drop monsters with left, right and center.

SO, without further ado, I introduce to you, my fellow d&d gamers, my new char:

Raven Stormstalker is the true son of _____(?)______, founder of the orphanage. As a child Raven was struck by lightning and survived. Raven's father took this as a sign from his god Heironeous, who's symbol is the mighty lightning bolt. From then on, he raised his son as a man of the church. Through his father has a more academic goal in mind for his son, Raven has become obsessed to take his religion to the next level. He has recently altered his studies from an academic schoolroom to devout spiritual lifestyle. He has pledged his life to the study of thunder, lightning and storms. To further understand that life, he has taken his worship into the wilderness (well the wilderness within the city walls). He plans to harness the raw power of nature and use it in the name of Heironeous. Raven dreams to take command of the lightning bolt and cast it down against those who threaten peace, justice and those values of his goodly god.

Stats: Str: 14 Dex: 18 Con: 12 Int: 8 Wis: 16 Cha: 12 Total: 80

Alignment: Chaotic Good/ Class: Cleric + Ranger / Domains: Weather + Wrath / Prestige Class: Stormlord / Deity: Heironeous / Weapon: Javelins / Armor: Chain Shirt

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