From Dare

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Current revision as of 13:13, 23 June 2007

De eerste 'RVD' raket


The first DARE committee was asked to provide a rocket launch for the 5th jubileum of the RVD committee of the society of aerospace students, the VSV. They subsequently, whilst the DARE members were designing and building their DX-1 rocket, designed and built a "quick and dirty" rocket, based on a 40 mm PVC tube, with wooden plungers and discs.


The engine they have designed entirely from scratch, and it remains the lightest engines at DARE. The first engine test (the first ever conducted by DARE) proved an all-aluminium nozzle would not withstand thermal and pressure loads, as it was torn off and flew about 20 meters up in the sky. A full steel nozzle was made, and the spare aluminium nozzle was given a steel throat insert.


The electronics were based on a timer (556 dual timer) design found on Nakka's website. It was used unaltered, using a mercury g-switch. However, due to the very large dry mass of the rocket, and the low thrust of the engine , the switch didn't trigger, and the rocket consequentally crashed. Its climax altitude was deigned not to exced 300 m, and due to its heavy contstruction it survuved the crash with flying colours.

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