Korin Duval

From Daily Escape

Korin Duval
Rank None
Term of office 17th March 2005 - Present
Predecessor: None
Successor: None Yet
Birthdate 12th March 1977 (29)
Place of Birth: New Sydney, Manhattan Prime
Profession Manhattan Prime Chief of Staff
Languages spoken English
  • Degree in International Politics and Military History

One of President Andrew Cuthbert's oldest friends, Korin Duval was one of Cuthbert's flatmates at the University of Manhattan from 1995-1998, where both men graduated with a degree in International Politics and Military History.

When Cuthbert began lecturing, the intensely loyal Australian stayed on as his aide, and he has been organizing Andrew’s schedule ever since. When Cuthbert was elected President, he could think of no-one better to be his Chief of Staff.


1982-1993 - School (5-16).

1993–1995 - 6th Form College (16-18).

1995-1998 - University of Manhattan (18-21) - Degree in International Politics and Military History.

  • Sept 1995-June 1996 = Year 1 (18-19)
  • Sept 1996-June 1997 = Year 2 (19-20)
  • Sept 1997-June 1998 = Year 3 (20-21)


As Chief of Staff, Korin Duval rarely leaves the President’s side, accompanying him on all domestic and foreign visits.

The chief of staff controls the President's schedule. For a given day, the chief of staff's goal is to keep the focus on the principal event of the day. On policy issues awaiting discussion with the President, the chief of staff determines priorities - which matters require attention and in what order?

The chief of staff controls the President’s doorway. Who is invited to meetings and who is not? There may be some hurt feelings, but temporarily bruised egos are a small price to pay for conserving the President's absolutely invaluable time.

The Chief of Staff is responsible for briefing cabinet members and making sure all the key people are kept in the loop about what is going on. The chief must ask: Are the right people here? Have we asked the right questions? They must be a strong manager and must be able to inspire confidence and loyalty in the rest of the staff.

The chief of staff must know the President extremely well, and must be someone with whom the President is totally comfortable. They must be able to recognize a Presidential command that is given in unthinking anger, frustration, or exhaustion -- and to lay it aside.

In Manhattan Prime, the Chief of Staff has 4 deputy chiefs of staff; each has their own specialty – Domestic, Economic, Military, and Communication. Officials report their work to the appropriate deputy first -- before the chief of staff and the President get involved.

(Duties adapted from Bradley H. Patterson Jr., The White House Staff: Inside the West Wing and Beyond (Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press, 2000) http://www.americanpresident.org/action/orgchart/administration_units/officeofthechiefofstaff/a_index.shtml

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