Hobart class cruiser

From Daily Escape

Revision as of 02:41, 6 September 2013 by (Talk)

The Hobart class Guided Missile Cruisers are American-designed, Australian-built AEGIS equipped Air Warfare Cruisers in service with the Royal Australian Navy. They are made by the Australian Submarine Corporation, in South Australia. The design is based on the American Arleigh Burke class Guided Missile Destroyers.

The ships are closer to cruisers in overall performance, having 128 Mk-41 VLS cells for Standard missiles, VL-ASROC, Tomahawk cruise missiles, and Evolved Sea Sparrow Missiles (rarely carried). The ship also carries 16 Harpoon missiles in quad launchers.

There are four in service:

  • HMAS Hobart
  • HMAS Brisbane
  • HMAS Sydney
  • HMAS Achilles
HMAS Hobart underway

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Ship Profile

Profile of the Hobart class cruiser
Profile of an advanced version of the Hobart class cruiser.
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