Daemons and sex

From Daemon Wiki

Revision as of 03:44, 2 January 2007 by Semyaz (Talk | contribs)

The question of daemons and sex is one that has a very individual answer for every daemian and his or her daemon. However, some generalizations can be made, and they are listed below.

Daemons During Sex

Daemon's sexual activity does not necessarily correspond to sexual activity between humans. Instead, the daemons of the humans engaging in the sexual activities may wrestle, play, cuddle or actually fight. In addition, the kind of interaction the daemons are engaging in may reflect the sexual actions taking place between their humans.

Daemon Sex

Daemons apparently do not have sex, at least not as humans understand it. Because the daemons of two people can be radically different in size, species and anatomy, it would be extremely difficult for most daemon pairs to have intercourse. Instead, when daemons want to show affection, they tend to cuddle or use some other action that is non-sexual.

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