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Revision as of 19:28, 19 October 2006 by Dme (Talk | contribs)
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Suggestions for Cue Flash

Let's take as an example a simple vocab deck that is shared and used by a number of individuals--say friends @ school, or classmates.

Multi-User Contributions

As all decks are multi-user by definition it would be nice to see entries, or edits, by users.

Contributions By Date

Show me recent changes to this deck.

Vocab Deck Specific:

Let me create cards with data on just one side

It's not unreasonable to create cards that consist of just vocab words and for which I shall add the definition later.

Is it reasonable to expect, or to allow, data only on side 2 of a card?

Show me only those cards with data one one side

If there are cards which contain, say, only a Vocab word on side 1 then I need a way to be able to find those cards and add data--in this case the definition--to side 2.

Link to Dictionaries

Shouldn't a user be able to suck data from a dictionary and not have to re-type data?

It would be really nice to be able to use a number of different dictionaries.

It would be super extra cool if the user could see the result of a definition lookup and select which definition to use...yeah that would be nice.

In any implementation a link to the definition should be created so that the source can later be cited.

Spell Check

C'mon please build in some kind of spell checking...something lacking on this wiki.

Multi-Dimensional Cards

iFlash lets you create cards with N-Sides. Is this useful?

[[[Category: Vocab]]

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