WIO/Josie/Day 2/Call Mom From Tom's Right Away (100)

From Create Your Own Story

You decide it's best for your mother to know you're safe.

"Hello?" she says as she picks up on the third ring.

"Mom, it's me," you say. "I figured you were worried, so I thought I'd better call you."

"Oh, good," she replies. "I was actually quite worried. The school said you hadn't come in and none of your favorite stores in the mall could find you."

"I'm with a friend," you say. "I'm perfectly fine. I think I'll stay here for a while. Like until you put that little pervert Alex in a reformatory. He's been sneaking pictures of me and last night he assaulted me. Check his cellphone camera for the proof."

"What?" Mom gasps.

"Just do it," you say. You give her Tom's number. "And give Colin my love. I'll stay here for a bit but I do promise to go to school."

"Okay then," Mom responds. You hang up the phone.

Tom walks over to you and gently wraps his arms around your body. He kisses your neck lightly before scooping you up and carrying you over to the bed, where he lies you down next to him with your head on his chest. "How about a siesta?" he whispers. "You could probably use a relaxing nap."

You could indeed. But Tom's gentle touch is making your core quiver with excitement.

Day 2 Equipment:


Time 1:00
Money $100
Personal tools