Violet/ If you're going to be a bride, you want to know about where you'll be. Ask Hafsenjani more about Syrebnia

From Create Your Own Story

"Tell me about your homeland", Violet intoned.

"It is a desert country," Hafsenjani replied. "Syrebnia's main cities are along the two large rivers that provide most of us with water. In the desert, the settlements are near the oases. My father, the King, has ruled with a just and wise hand for a generation. He has two children. I am the elder. My brother is mischievous, but when things have been tough, he has proven his loyalty in battle to defend our country. Kind of like the ancient Norse mythological god, Loki. His name is Suleihemi."

"And your neighbors?" asked Violet.

"We have three," came the reply. "The borders are settled. One of them is on the other side of the mountain range. One is across a large lake. The third is on the other side of a line of ancient lava."

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