Swing the plastic bag over your shoulder and aim for the man

From Create Your Own Story

You swing the plastic bag over your shoulder and aim for the man. The next thing you know, you're lying on the ground with no bag in your hand. You look up and notice the greasy-haired man. He looks at you with a smirk on his face as he twirls the wooden stick in his hand. You wonder how you ended up on the ground. Before you can think on it, a red light issues from the wooden object and impacts upon your chest. You have a moment to express your surprise, before you are knocked unconscious.

You wake up in a warm comfy bed, a contrast to the hard, lumpy cot you have to sleep in every day in your cupboard. As you take in your surroundings you notice that your bed has a curtain around it, similar to those found in hospitals. You look up and are startled to see an old man with a long beard looking at you. He looks like a wizard from those fairy tales you used to read.

"Good evening Harry, I am Professor Dumbledore. I am glad to see you are safe and sound, if a little peaky. No doubt you're very curious about the recent turn of events. I only ask for you to be patient while I try to explain to the best of my ability."

As you stare dumbfounded at Dumbledore, he launches into an explanation of how wizards and witches actually exist. How they have separated themselves from the muggles(a non-magical person apparently), and how a whole society of wizards and witches are living right under the muggles' noses. You sit back as he explains how an evil wizard by the name of Lord Voldemort killed your parents and tried to do the same to you. Somehow you defeated him and Dumbledore sent you to live with your aunt and uncle. He explains how he never realized his mistake until today. How he had hoped that your aunt and uncle treated you fairly. You suppress a snort at this statement as Dumbledore continues with his explanation. Finally, he turns his head and looks at you gravely.

"No doubt you are aware that your home has recently been burned to the ground. A gas explosion apparently caused the fire. I express my most sincere condolences, Harry. Thankfully, you are now safe and far from harm." He gestures around the room. "The school you will be attending, Hogwarts, will be open in 3 weeks' time. In fact, you are currently sitting in Hogwarts' hospital wing. In the meantime, you are free to wander around the castle as you please, as long as you don't visit the 3rd floor. You will know if you are in a place you are not supposed to be. Professor McGonagall, our transfiguration professor, will be more than happy to answer any questions you have." At this, he pauses and opens his mouth to speak again.

"I would also like to apologize for Professor Snape's behavior earlier today. He has brought you here rather unwillingly. I ask that you be patient with him and give him space and time, he will come around eventually." He smiles and sits up.

"Well then, I will be retiring to my office. You may visit me anytime you wish." Dumbledore finishes speaking and gives you a kind smile. You sit and try to process everything you heard as Dumbledore leaves the ward.

Do you:

Get out of bed and explore the castle

Ask the nurse for directions to Professor McGonagall's office

Decide that you have been kidnapped by lunatics and try to look for an escape

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