Press on until you reach the Village of Exiles

From Create Your Own Story

You stride forward, not racing, but with a steady, tireless gait. The village eventually appears, first on the horizon, then growing closer. You drink half the water in the canteen and give your mate the other half. It strengthens you, and with renewed vigor, you stride to the village gates. A human and an orc are the gateguards.

"Hello," the human says. "Welcome to the Village of Exiles. From where have you been exiled?"

"The elven forest," your mate replies.

The human claps his hands twice, and four elves appear. "Take them to Jalsk."

The elves guide you and your mate along a wide path, then make several turns. Eventually you reach a large house. A tall, male dark-elf appears at the door.

"You made it, niece," he says. "And this must be your mate. My brother sent word you were en route."

"You're the elf king's... brother?" you gasp.

Jalsk nods. "He sent me here years ago, to set up a haven for elves that were exiled. We also have humans, orcs, and a few other races."

"So... what now?" you mate inquires.

Jalsk guides you to a room. "Your quarters will be here, unless you decide to build your own house. I advise you to rest for now. You have had a long journey." He withdraws, and you lie down on the bed with your mate. She snuggles happily against you, and idly toys with your cock.

Health Horny, mated to a dark elf, content Equipment:


Experience Elf impregnator
HP 100
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