Mia/Cute Dress/1/1

From Create Your Own Story

Quickly, you decide to go after the servant to make sure he doesn't get punished. In your hurry, you run as fast as your little legs can carry you - which is surprisingly fast - and see him leave through the servants' exit just as you pass the corner. You find yourself getting a little nervous, as you've hardly left the royal chambers before and certainly never alone. However, if you wait for your slow maids to catch up it'll be far too late to find the servant boy.

You pull yourself together and sprint to the servants' exit. Your maids call for you from behind, but they're way too slow to catch up and soon lose sight of you.

The servant's back disappears around another corner a little further and you dash after him. Unfortunately, as you chase him he enters alley after alley. Eventually, you fall in your hurry and scrape your knee. Tears well up at the painful sting, but you soon recover. Looking around you, there's no trace of the servant. In fact you have no idea where you are or what direction you came from.

For the first time since you left the castle, you completely take in your surroundings. The poor townhouses and dirty people look completely alien to you and you start to panic. What have you gotten yourself into now?

Then your stomach rumbles and you realize you're hungry, but since your maids manage your money, you don't have anything on you right now.

Standing here isn't going to help, so you try to retrace your steps, only to find that you are completely and utterly lost in a maze of identical-looking alleys.

Now what are you supposed to do?

You :

Ask a nearby rough-looking man for directions.

Ask a mature, well-dressed lady for directions.

Ask a few kids playing nearby for directions.

Wander around town trying to find your own way back.

Health 1000 Equipment:


Stamina 1000
Mood Nervous Inventory:


Wealth 500 Aruns
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