MS, GB, a teacher and a student having a terse discussion
From Create Your Own Story
You see a teacher, in her mid 20's and a student, who's age is a little hard to gauge, she seems young but it dressed quite provocative for a a middle schooler. She's wearing a skirt that is way too small is she bends or even walks quickly her panties can be seen, which you can see is a black Lacey and very sheer thong, she has a white blouse that's tied up exposing her midrif. While the teacher is in much more modest fare. She has a long skirt that goes down to her ankles and a very thick and billowy blouse it goes all the way up to her neck. The only skin visible is her head, and hands. The teacher seems to be annoyed at her state of dress "Young lady that is no way for an 8th grader to dress, you look like a slut" the teacher yells at the student.
"Fuck off Bre if I want to dress like a slut that's my business" the student fires back. There seem to be a deeper relationship between these two beyond student teacher.
The teacher looks angry "we may be sisters but at school you'll address me as Ms. Sharpe"
"Fine whatever" the girl rolls her eyes "Ms Sharpe" she says in a mocking and slurred tong "I mean just cause you dress like a nun doesn't mean we all have to be so chaste. I like my body and I like showing it off"
Ooh sisters this could be a lot of fun.
What to do?: