Katie Accident in Art - Ms. Walker makes Katie orgasm

From Create Your Own Story

Condition Fine Apparel and Items: Shirt
Day, Time Friday, Just Before Lunch
Need to Bathroom None
Level of Humiliation Extreme

Katie turns to face Ms. Walker and grabs Ms. Walker's hand. She moves Ms. Walkers hand faster against her clitoris. Katie moans in pleasure and then kisses Ms. Walker. Katie reaches under Ms. Walker's skirt with her free hand an rubs her wet pussy. Katie soon orgasms and then Ms. Walker orgasms as well. They kiss again and Ms. Walker walks out of the bathroom. She comes back with a diaper.

"All I have for you to wear is a diaper. I know it is humiliating but you can stay in my room for the rest of the day. I might be able to find a skirt for you in the lost and found in the principles office." Ms. Walker says.

"Okay, I guess it is better than being exposed." Katie says.

Katie puts on the diaper. Ms. Walker leaves the room and soon comes back with a short skirt. Katie puts on the skirt but notices if she bends down the diaper will be exposed. Then Katie sits in Ms. Walker's office and reads one of her books.

The hours pass by and soon it is the end off the day. Katie feels a strong urge to pee. Katie walks over to the bathroom and notices Ms. Walker is cleaning the floor. Katie sees that some of her poop accident had escaped her panties to the floor.

"Ms. Walker, may I use the bathroom. I need to pee." Katie asks.

Katie Accident in Art - Katie is not allowed to use the bathroom and leaves the nurse's office

Katie Accident in Art - Katie is told to use her diaper

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