Just give up and let him take me..

From Create Your Own Story

Well since I gave up running from Godzilla

The freaking principal grabbed my collar and shouted at me in his office!!

Principal Fuckhead: Tell me boy!! Why would you do such a thing!?

Wait.....Wait...let me think of that for a minute....

Narrator: Usually for Zesu a minute means an hour..

Principal: Boy!! It has been an hour already!! tell me why!?

Zesu: D cups, C cups, B cups are amazing to look at but A cups are....well okay

Oh shit! I dreamt about cup sizes than coming up with a reason!!

Principal: What are you talking about boy!?

Zesu: That your wife might have a potential D cup breast size sir!!

Narrator: Where the hell did that came from!?

Principal: What Did you say about my wife!!?

Zesu: You have a wife?

Narrator: What the fuck! Zesu!!

Principal: In a matter of fact, yes!! I do have a wife!

Zesu: Huh....I've always thought you like guys and hurting people

Principal: You are seriously giving me a headache kid

Wait.....What's a headache again

Oh shit.....not a the headache!! I've seen that in a movie! Noooooo!!

I don't wanna die!!!!

Narrator: What the hell is Zesu doing!!!

Principal: What in God's name are you doing boy!!

Narrator: Zesu's running around the room with the bin over his head!! Why did he take his shirt off!!


Narrator: What language is he talking in?

Oh crap! Oh crap!!

Principal: Okay!!! Enough of this stupidity!!

Narrator: The principal got the bin off Zesu's head and tied him on the chair.....then slapped him across the head


Zesu: Sir!! Why did you that!!

The principal just shook his head and started calling somebody on his phone

Principal: I called your Dad....his coming for you


Narrator: Because of the principal calling his parents, Zesu is now back in his old home somewhere in the city....where he now attends a different school

Zesu: Well......I'm definitely not an attention seekers like these assholes!!!

Narrator: He is now attending a special class for people who are antisocial.....which doesn't make sense to me...

Narrator: He's a pervert not an emo..

Narrator: Anyways reader this is one of the bad ending's of Zesu Fujiyama's story so the choices here is to start again or choose another character


High School Drama and Romance is Stupid

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