Go up to her and offer to put sunscreen on her
From Create Your Own Story
As you approach the woman she opens her eyes and looks you up and down. She offers a small greeting smile and asks you what you want. You lie to her, "I am researching a new brand of sunscreen for my company. It offers better protection than any current brand on the market, is non-greasy and has a built in moisturiser. So far we have had many successful lab tests, but I am now running field tests to see whether it can deliver what we promise."
She looks interested and rolls over, showing that she does indeed have very large, firm breasts. "Why are you talking to me about it?"
"Well," you say. "Our chief concern is the protection of fair-skinned people from sunburn, and so far we have had very little opportunity to test your particular skin type. I was hoping I might be able to use you as a guinea pig, so to speak."
"Ok," she replies. "How does this work?"
You explain to her that what you will do is cover half of her body with a competitors brand of sunscreen and the other half with your new "Superscreen". This will all be a blind test and she will not be made aware of which brand is which as both bottles appear exactly the same.
Two hours after applying the two sunscreens you will interview her as well as take light readings from either side of her body to see which has performed the best.
The woman agrees and you tell her that she has to keep her eyes closed, because, despite being in the same bottles, the creams are quite different colours and it wouldn't be a fair test if she could see the bright green of the "Superscreen."
You return to your towel and get the small bag you have your sunscreen and hotel room key in and hurry back before she changes her mind. Your hands start shaking as you tell her to close her eyes while you apply the sunscreen. The anticipation of touching her magnificent body is also starting to wake your cock up and you can feel the blood starting to make it swell a little.
Do you: