Force Eduardo to help you look for another entrance

From Create Your Own Story

"If you want to live, you're going to help me," you say coldly.

Eduardo nods quickly, frightened. "Absolutely, Senorita Katarina. Whatever you want."

You force Eduardo to drive to the first location you marked before you went to bed. The sun is just rising as you arrive.

After hours of fruitless searching, you decide to go back to the old tunnel. As you get close, however, you and Eduardo suddenly freeze in horror.

A massive army of skeletons, thousands of them, is already marching through the hills. Undead, ghoul-like priests and bandage-wrapped mummies accompany them. The war of the undead vs. humanity is beginning.

You and Eduardo both feel guilt over your parts in this. The two of you become soldiers in the war. You lead your squadron of men and women through many battles and personally slay dozens of undead, but there seems to be a never-ending supply of enemies. To make matters worse, each skeleton or mummy needs dozens of bullets to bring it down, and the undead priests have the power to shoot down planes and destroy missiles in the air. You quickly find that your sword is your best weapon, killing the monsters by decapitating them.

Eduardo uses his knowledge of the demon to help scientists come up with an experimental weapon to win the war. After many failures, the scientists succeed in creating a formula that neutralizes the undead priests' magical powers. It takes time to distribute the formula around the world, and the massive armies of skeletons still have to be hunted down and neutralized. The war continues for several more years until what's left of humanity finally defeats the undead. The ancient Inca demon, stripped of his powers, is vaporized with a cruise missile.

Three billion humans have been killed in the war, and over the next few years, two billion more die of starvation or disease because of the worldwide devastation. Eduardo, consumed by guilt, hangs himself with his pants one night. As for you, you do the only thing you can: Help the world rebuild.


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