Downfall/Cate tells you to flirt with Tallulah again R6 D3 F2B T2 A4

From Create Your Own Story

"Ask her out," Cate says. You make an illegible noise, but Cate insists. "She likes you. She laughed about the old your name trick."

"I don't know."

"What's the worst that could happen?"

"I could die!"

"You are not sixteen, Jules. If you die, it'll be due to a stroke, not because a girl turned you down."

"Why don't you ask her out?"

Cate sighs. "I was wrong - you are sixteen."

A familiar tune takes the place of the trivial bar music hat was playing up to now: Evil Woman by the Electric Light Orchestra. Tallulah, after having served the group of four, had only returned to the back of the bar to change the music. After that, she comes to your table, leaning against a large wooden pillar, obscuring her from the view of the other patrons. "God, some people," she says, nodding towards the guys.

"Tallulah," Cate says, "my sister is not the only magician in the family. Magic runs in the family."

"This must be my lucky day."

"Indeed. For my next incredible feat, I need a volunteer from the audience." Tallulah raises her hand, but Cate playfully looks further around until she finally looks directly at you. "Ah yes, the woman whose hair looks like liquid fire. Thank you. Please clap your hands, audience, for this brave woman."

Tallulah gives a silent applause. Cate says: "My mental abilities tell me that your name is Julianne. Julianne, please close your eyes."

Mental; that's true. But Tallulah looks intrigued, so you decide to play along. You hear Cate say: "My travels through the orient have outfitted me with the unbelievable powers of the ancient phonians. I shall now speak the magic words;" - she utters some mumbo jumbo - "and it is done."

You open your eyes. Cate is making jazz hands to support her act.

"What does this trick do?" you ask her.

"This ancient technique takes away your inhibitions that would hinder you to ask someone out. I'm going to refresh." And with that, she stands up and shuffles along.

Bam! You can't believe she did that to you. You can see her at another table, giving you the most smug smile you have ever seen. If you don't want to look like a fool, you'll have to do something. Without thinking, you hear yourself say: "I guess the magic worked. Would you like to, eh, go out sometime?" Well, the trick might have worked, maybe at the expense of your eloquence. But you are even able to look her in the eyes.

"I would like to," Tallulah says after a while, "but-". And then she explains to you that there are company rules that prohibit any member of the line to get involved with passengers, at the pain of losing their job. "And I don't want to lose this job; it takes me around the world." The line even has testers on board of every ship to enforce company policy.

Just then, another ELO song begins to play. instantly identy the song from the intro: It is Strange Magic. Spontaneously, Tallulah reaches for your hand and pulls you to your feet, towards her, in her arms. She lays her head onto your shoulder and circles, you in her arms, slowly around on the spot. Her subtle perfume climbs into your nose, you close your eyes, and melt away in the moment. The song seems to fly by; it can't already be over? The moment before she gives you free, Tallulah murmurs: "Please..."

Then she turns around and hustles to the back of the bar and starts to swipe the counter with a cloth.

"What was that?" Cate has returned; you wonder how much she has seen. You give her a short explanation about company policy. Your words come out slurry.

"Time to leave," Cate says. "I think the alcohol starts to take effect on you, and you don't have any more business here."

She is right. As if triggered by the intoxicating dance, you feel tipsy. Maybe it was the standing up. Good thing Cate is here. She takes care of the bill, then puts your arm over your shoulder and guides you to your cabin.

State of Clothing Blue Dress; Panties; Ballet Flats


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