Blackmail/your house/Go to sleep, you have work tomorrow

From Create Your Own Story

You climb upstairs and crawl into bed. Thankfully tomorrow is a holiday, so you just have work. You reach over and set your alarm before falling asleep.


You groan as you wake up. Ugh... gotta go cook breakfast.... You put on clothing and walk down stairs. To your surprise coffee is brewing in the pot.

"Morning Baby Girl," says your Daddy as he kisses your forehead. You look up in shock. He's clean shaven and wearing clean clothes. He has a cup of coffee and the morning paper.

"Uh m...morning Daddy. You're up early," you respond.

"Someone has to put food on this table... and your part time job isn't enough to do it all by itself. Not for this family," he says.

"Uh yeah that's right..." you say. "Uh I should cook breakfast."

You start to cook breakfast before you feel someone walk up behind you and grab your breasts.

"Thanks baby girl... you took care of your Daddy really well," he says as he slips his hand inside your shirt teasing your nipple. "When do the kids usually wake up?"

"Mmmm.... any minute now... and they probably wouldn't understand," you say.

With that he grabs a piece of bacon and says "Well I should be off...."

No sooner has he pulled his hand out of your shirt then your younger brother come bounding down the stairs.

"Hey sis! Hey dad! Mmmm bacon!"

"Bye sport, I'm off to look for work. Be good for your sister!" says your Daddy as he heads out the door.

You brother grabs a plate of food and starts chowing down as your other siblings come down. You clean up the kitchen before grabbing your own keys.

"You all be good, I've got to get to work too!" you say as you head out the door.

You arrive at work, feeling surprisingly happy, while still dreading the conversation you need to have with Dr. Milton. After all you must be going crazy right?

What do you do now?

Requirements: This is a story about a young girl written in second person.

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