Ask cream for help, and tell her why she needs it. Cream might act quicker.

From Create Your Own Story

“Pssssst! Cream!” Cream looked at honey and smiled in joy. Cream got up from her chair and walked over to honey. “Hi Honey! Wow I didn’t know you’d be here!” “Uh, yeah, How are you doing Cream?” “Good” “thats great to hear” “hey do you wanna play a game?” “Oh I’d love to… but” Honey’s checks turned red. “I need your help with something…” “what?” “Umm, come closer… its a secret” “Ooo I love secrets!”

“You know how some girls were bikinis?” “Duh I know what that is.” “Good, well you see… umm…” “just say it!” “I lost the bottom part”

“(Gasp) so your half naked!” “Shhhh! Quiet down!” “Hahahahahahaha!” “Please Cream!” “Honey is na-“

Honey grabbed her by the leg and threw her into the pool.

“Hey! What was that for?!” “I’m sorry but I can’t let you say that”

“Hey watch it you two! Play safe or ill throw you out!” Sally acorn called from her post. “Um no need for that!” Honey said.

Cream decides to help her, for a price…

Cream gets out and refuses to help Honey

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