Suggest to Jia she try Jack's new drug with you

From Create Your Own Story

"This stuff will supposedly make you bond with the person you take it with... I think, anyway," you say.

Jia giggles. "Why not?"

You both take a vial and swallow it down. Suddenly, it's almost as if a magnetic force is pulling you toward Jia's body. You scoop up the Asian woman and carry her to the bed, and in seconds the two of you are happily licking each other's pussy.

Jia proves good at this, and in moments you're flooding her with nectar. You get her to climax a minute or two later. You then try to get off the bed, but feel compelled to roll back towards Jia's body.

"Why can't I get off the bed?" Jia asks. "It's as if your body is calling to me. All I want to do is kiss you, lick you, suckle your breasts... Is this forever?"

"It works!" Jack says. "I didn't know if it was just a man-woman thing, but apparently it's anybody."

When did he come in? you wonder.

"I'm happy for you two," Jack says. "You'll be eternally young and never have to leave the bed for the rest of your life." He turns and leaves the room, smiling at you two as he does so.

As Jia's tongue circles your nipple, you have a feeling life will be good. You reach for her pert breasts...

The End

Health Jia's Happy Partner, Forever Location:

The Paradise House

MP 0
Level 1
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