She helps her in an unconventional way

From Create Your Own Story

"Ok I know what to do" in that Marine began to undress and when there was nothing left covering her private parts she gave everything to her friend. "Here," she said with a smile.

"Wow Thanks Marine" Blaze said a little blushing to see her friend in the same situation. "But surely you will be fine".

"Nah Relax I will manage" Marine replied. Blaze put on Marine's clothes, it was too tight.

"Thanks Marine" Blaze said as she left.

She was about to arrive at her castle when she had to go through the steel fence, she could not go through the door, luckily she knew a shortcut, she went to one side of the castle and looked through a vine for an old melted metal hole .

"Wow I haven't used this in a long time" she got in and obviously since it had been a long time it was not so easy to pass, she managed to pass but she heard a RIIIIIIPPP and felt the breeze she turned around and saw her makeshift borrowed outfit ripped to shreds .

Embarrassed she crouched down trying to cover as much as possible thinking "I owe Marine an outfit"

She tried to enter the palace it was already getting dark and there was no one in the castle, anyway she was used to it anyway so she went through the main gate thinking that she could take a bath and put on clothes.

When the castle lights came on suddenly and she heard "Happy Birthday" followed by a gasp of astonishment, all her people saw her in her privacy when they had planned a surprise party for her.

Blaze quickly took one of the banners that said happy birthday princess and wrapped it around her making a nervous smile.

But to the people outside of laughter, the situation of the princess did not matter to me, instead they praised her for her courage to arrive at her castle nude.

Seeing the confidence of his people in his situation, he decided to take off the banner and go back to being nude and celebrating.

After the party she was in her bedroom, thinking that it had been a unique experience that although it was fine, she decided that her people would never see her nude again. Unless she forgot that in her town there was already a rare contraption courtesy of a certain speedy hedgehog, a camera.

The end.

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