Pokesex/Boy/Hoenn/Walk Downstairs

From Create Your Own Story

You walk down the stair, not caring whether you're heard or not.

"Oh! Brendan," your mother calls you, "Brendan! Come quick!"

You move the tiniest bit faster to join her next to the TV. You notice she's breathing heavily.

"Look! It's Petalburg Gym! Maybe Dad will be on!" she says excitedly

Considering how he was never at home, your mom always gets overexcited about seeing him on the TV. You humor her and watch. "...we brought you this report from in front of Petalburg Gym." the reporter finishes his segment and your Mom sighs as it switches to another portion of the programme "Oh... It's over. I think Dad was on, but we missed him. Too bad."

Well that was exciting. You stifle a sigh and start moving toward the front door. Your mom doesn't seem to notice and keeps talking as if you are still right there. "Oh yes. One of Dad's friends lives in town. Prof. Birch is his name. He lives right next door, so you should go over and introduce yourself."

"Thanks Mom", you say whilst you consider that she just asked you to go visit some creeper man you've never met before. Still, you have nothing better to do, so you might as well head out.

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