Leave her and see where Ben was headed

From Create Your Own Story

I'm just doing the rounds." Ben says. "Wanna join me?"

Of course you do, and Ben guides you to his fourth stop of the morning. "This one is fun he says. I'm going first, you can come back whenever you like, just feed her a little now and then. Oh and you'll need a knife or something to take out the four screws in the bench base." His instructions are odd, but you listen as you carry on driving.

Ben asked you to park in the church parking lot, which you though was just a place to park, but then he heads inside.

You follow him inside and then wait for a full half an hour while he confesses his sins in the confession booth. You begin to lose faith and think your friend is a god-nut and think about leaving him there.

When Ben does come out he has a massive grin on his face and from a second of eye contact you know that you should go into the booth.

The walk into the booth is weird feeling, and it gets worse when you get into the dark space and the god-dude slides his little talking screen. "Confess your sins, child."

Do you...

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