Finish using her as a toilet seat and leave

From Create Your Own Story

"No reason!" you say as you beam a smile at her over your shoulder. You can feel the puddle of pee under you in her lap is trickling down now instead of filling higher; since it's not running forward off her knees, it must be running back the other way over her pussy and ass. You finish peeing on her, and for good measure loose a little fart at her while you're at it. You stand up above her, push your ass up against her face, and rub your pussy and thighs dry on her shirt. You then step away, and turn around to admire your handiwork and idly play with your clit for a moment. Once you've taken a nice sharp mental picture, you pull up your shorts and panties. "Later blondie!" you tell her as you walk out of the bathroom.

Messing with Kerri left you pretty horny, and you realize you're standing in the hallway bra-less in your gym clothes with no plan to fix that. While there's a lot of mayhem left to sow here, there are endless opportunities waiting outside the school.

Do you:

You are possessing:
12th Grade Girl (Katy)
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