Run like hell!

From Create Your Own Story

Horny as you may be, being a zombie doesn't exactly appeal to you, so you take off running. You don't exactly have a destination in mind, but anywhere is better than here at the moment.

You look back over your shoulder, watching with horror as zombies peel off from the pack, assaulting and converting other pedestrians. Panic ensues, with people screaming and running in every direction, as the horde grows larger. Your heels keep sinking in the grass, slowing you down, and as the horde grows close enough to touch you, you ditch them, sprinting barefoot across the grass. You feel a hand grab your shoulder and twist free, the sound of fabric ripping accompanying your movement. You're finally gaining distance from the zombies pursuing you.

As you exit the park, you watch cars slamming into each other, people panicking and bailing out of them, often into the waiting arms of zombies. The madness is spreading, and you've got precious little time to find someplace to go.

There's a policeman across the street, waving people into a building as other cops take shots at the oncoming zombies. You could try to grab a car, though you've got no idea how badly jammed the roads will be beyond here. There also numerous other building you could duck into, and make a plan from there.

What now?

Health Horny & Hormonal & surrounded by sex zombies Location:

Just outside The Park

MP 0
Level 2
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