Christmas Story Games / Summon Archer

From Create Your Own Story

Christmas Story Games

Konner's Game: Part 5/5


The Story:


You decide you want to be cheap and have TWO archers instead of one. I mean, double sniper always works, right? But first you have to get higher! You turn to the wall and fail a few times before you get it right. Darkness almost cuts you in half in the end giving you the motivation to try crawling which gets you up the building looking down onto the alley. You then summon you hero! A submarine tower from bloons spawns on the opposite rooftop crashing into the building and breaking half of the room to angle down towards the alleyway. Now that is what you are talking about! The submarine opens fire sending a massive missile and two darts that explode into three blasting the other team in a massive rain of firepower. Along with the Wizard Monkey's lightning bolts and fireballs and your sonic arrows to guide them in the growing wreckage you make short work of the other team.

Unfortunately the creation of your bloons tower starts a bloon event before it allows you to gain your wish from the Holy Grail. You growl in frustration then have the Wizard Monkey summon her champion. She summons a Frost Monkey at the end of the alleyway that immediately starts slowing and freezing the advancing bloons. You and the submarine and the Wizard spam your attacks into wave after wave of bloons. You use your sonic arrow so everyone can see the camo bloons and the Wizard Monkey easily blasts the lead bloons while giggling like a little girl.

In the end, the final level comes with a much harder challenge than the tutorial. A massive blimp flies through the air at you. You fire arrow after arrow into it but it is too powerful! The Wizard blasts it and does a ton of damage and your submarine fires missile after missile into it. The blimp completely ignores the Ice Monkey before finally going down over your heads.

You celebrate for a moment before you realize hundreds of bloons are cascading down onto your head. You try to dodge and pop them before they get to you but they are too many and the more you pop the more that appear. You get pelted by lead bloons until you take massive damage getting crushed to death by the stampede of bloons. You don't wake up from the VR game.


Game Over

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