“Sure! So noticed any boys lately?”

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“Sure, so notice any boys lately?” You giggle at her and then take a sip of the vodka.

“Sharon! No.” She giggles back.

“So you like girls then?” You ask in a very frank manner and put the vodka bottle down.

“Eh, ah, Sharon!” I like you that’s all.” Karla tugs her head down to conceal her blushing cheeks. Karla is so submissive and cute when she’s blushing, and she still does that a lot when you’re talking about sex.

“So you’re a lesbian?”

“No! Sharon stop it.” She giggles in between sentences. “I both like boys and girls.” She manages to say if a bit embarrassingly.

“Thought so, I’m bisexual too you know.”


“So… that means we can both have boyfriends, even through you’re my girlfriend. Understand that Karla?”


“Good.” You hop of the bed. “Then there is something I need to do to you before we can start dating boys.”

You dig around in your backpack. Karla looks at you in bewilderment and then shock as you pull out the six inch strap-on.

“Sharon wha…”

“Quiet.” You say and give Karla a sinister look. “You are my girlfriend Karla, but you are also virgin. I know how you ogle the boys and fantasize about fucking them, don’t bother denying it.” Karla’s cheeks burn red with shame, you are scolding her like a little child. “You will have sex with them, that’s not a bad thing, in fact I encourage it! However I won’t have your virginity claimed by some drunken jock! I’m your girlfriend and I intend to claim what’s mine!”

There is a superior grin on your face as you speak the words. Karla just hangs her head low, submissively agreeing to your command. She is such a weak willed woman, truly hearing your words as absolute despite her own uncertainty and fear. The fact that you know her horny mother is watching you through the hidden cameras only make your mind more intoxicated with dominating arousal.

“It’s for your own good Karla.” The tone in your voice isn’t pleading, it’s commanding, as if to say that your opinion is the only one that’s just. “Okay…” Are the only words Karla manages to squeeze out.

“Good, now get that skirt and panties off you and lie down on the bed on all fours, my little slut.”

The submissive woman pulls down her skirt and panties and lies down as you commanded. Her cute little rump is exposed for you to play with. Eagerly you strip down to your naked flesh and strap the dildo to your crotch. You hop back on to the bed and get behind Karla. She still wears her T-shirt and socks. The nervousness is still there, but so is the hornyness, the women in this family enjoy being dominated and fucked no matter what their morals says. You are free to fuck her as you like. You take a quick glance at one of the hidden cameras, knowing that Vicky is watching, then you begin.

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