Stay here with Ben and Michelle

From Create Your Own Story

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You whisper to Ben and and he smiles. He steps into the back room to make a phone call, then comes on out.

You want to make sure the drug is still working, so you say, "Michelle, bow down, kiss my feet and stand back up." She does so uncomplainingly.

Ben whispers to you, "It should last for 12 hours, according to the chemist, so we're good."

You wait around a few minutes, and Vladimir himself comes into the store. "So this is Michelle, eh, Sharon?" he says with a smile. You nod. He turns to the girl. "I'm Vladimir. Come with me, please."

As they leave the store, Vladimir throws you a smile and a wink. You know that Michelle is now earmarked for the sacrifice, after she is properly conditioned. One down, two to go.

What do you do next?

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