Beat Vicky down and rape her

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 23:56, 26 September 2010 by Fletcher Peninsula (Talk | contribs)

You smack Vicky on her right cheek, stunning her. Then you smack her on the left cheek, knocking her down to the ground. Vicky lies grunting on the floor, shocked at haven been slapped so unexpectedly by a teen. Angry over her scolding you, you stomp on her back and viciously soccer kicks her ribs. The mother collapses flat on the floor. At last her screams of pain can be heard.

“Ga… gahahaha… umhmhmhm…” Karla’s mom isn’t as tough as she let on, after her scream come her tears. Her cheeks probably sting from pain.

Crouching down besides her you grab a handful of her brown hair and cruelly pull her head up to yours. “Didn’t except me to fight back, did you, you arrogant cow!”

Vicky can’t bear to look you in the face. She keeps her eyes closed as if in denial and continues to cry without trying to stop herself. “How dare a fucking pathetic cow like you scold me? I’m not some weak ass bitch like your daughter. If you want to fuck with me I’ll fuck you up good! You hear that bitch!” Your face is only a couple of inches from hers, so you’re directly screaming at her face. Her tears continue to rain down.

“Oh and I didn’t bully your fucking daughter, I fucking raped her sweet pussy!”

“Gahahahah… nooohohoho.” Vicky cries even harder as she gets to know the painful truth. You said it as it’s the greatest thing you ever done, absolutely gloating about it, right in her tear drenched face.

“And you know what? That lesbian daughter of yours made me so fucking horny! And I’m going to take it out on your sweet round ass! You hear me! You hear me cow!?”

“Nooo please you can’t… I’m so sorryyyy.”

Not listening to her words you begin to drag her by her hair up the stairs towards your bedroom. Vicky kicks, screams, but most of all cries as she’s just as helpless as her daughter was to stop your advances.


Well at your room it appears Vicky has stopped resisting. She just cries and says the words “No…” all the time. You dump her on your rug and pull a box out from under your bed. It’s the box where you keep all your sex toys. From it you retrieve two pairs of cuffs. Dominatingly you pull Vicky’s arms behind her back and cuff them together. Then you cuff her ankles together. She is left in a doggy style position, with her face on the ground and ass sticking out invitingly. Then with Vicky safely restrained you go back to the box. Vicky cries, she can hear you doing something behind her but don’t know what it is.

Now completely naked you step in front of Vicky. There’s a gigantic white dildo attached to your hips. Vicky stares at it in utter disbelief. She has even stopped crying. The dildos texture is hard, and its length a whopping sixteen inches. It’s not one of those small, wobbly dildos made for softcore porn. This one is hard all the way though. You proudly call it your, rape and tame toy, and that’s what’s about to happen to Vicky’s voluptuous body.

“You’re going to pay for having such an arousing daughter who doesn’t put out.” You say and stroke the dildo with your fingers while licking your lips, at last getting the chance to satisfy your hunger.

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