Anna: Buenos Dias señorita Martinez

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 03:18, 11 August 2010 by Brai (Talk | contribs)

"Que diablos estais haciendo aqui?"

You recognise Mrs Martinez, one of the cleaning ladies from your school. She looks astonished as you burst through her door. The sun is burning your skin and your sisters is starting to cry.

"Help us please, the sun is burning us..."

You faint as you fall into the arms of the mexican lady.

You wake up in total darkness. You can feel a cold and wet towel over your forehead. You stand up to realise you're on a bed in a room you don't know. All the curtains are closed. As your eyes adapt to the darkness you can see your sister laying on another bed next to the one you woke up in. She is asleep.

You can clearly feel that the sun is still high in the sky. You start feeling hungry. You've probably used up all your sisters blood to cure the nasty burns the sun made on your skin.

You can hear footsteps in the corridor.

What do you do?

Open the door and grab whomever it is to feed

Or Wait and see what happens?

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