"It's my birthday. I plan to close the place down."

From Create Your Own Story

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"Always a good plan," he says, and raises his impressive arms. He pulls out a bottle of beer and uncaps it, handing it to you. "On the house."

You thank him. He watches you, then leans in across the counter. It does amazing things to his arms. You can't help but wonder just how hard his body would feel.

"You stay right there," he says. "The time will fly by, I promise. My name's Mike."

You introduce yourself, and shake hands. He keeps eye contact with you, and chatting with you, throughout the rest of the night, until finally the speakers come on again and you hear a last call announcement. The bartender wags his eyebrows at you at that point, and finishes pouring and uncapping the last drinks ordered by the diehards, and then starts wiping down the bar and putting things away.

He smiles, and looks around the room. A moment later, he nods his head and says, “Come under the counter, now.”

No one is watching, so you quickly duck under the counter where the flap opens, crouching low to do it. On the other side of the bar, the bartender takes your shoulders in his hands and presses down. You stay on your knees.

“Stay down there,” he says, glancing down just once. He nods and smiles at someone walking by the bar, and then reaches down and undoes the fly of his jeans.

You reach up and finish the job for him, undoing his zipper all the way and reaching in to tug his meat out from his underwear. His dick comes free, a long, uncut cock that makes your mouth water. Rising a little on your knees, you suck it back with one slurp before he gets hard.

“Fuck,” the bartender breathes. One of his hands settles on your head, the other stays on the counter behind you.

“Good night,” the bartender calls to someone walking by. His dick hardens quick in your mouth, and you suck quickly, taking as much of his length as you can, until your face is pressing into the open fly of his jeans. You massage his shaft with your tongue.

“Fuck,” he breathes again, and his hand tightens in your hair. “Yeah, like that,” Mike says quietly, then raising his voice again says, “Good night!” to someone else.

You slurp at his cock. With a loud grunt, he cums, filling your mouth with his seed. You swallow once, then twice, but some escapes the corner of your mouth and dribbles down your chin.

“Fuck,” he pants, still holding your head in one hand. He pulls back, and his dick slides clear of your mouth. You lick up what cum you can find, and he holds you down, waiting.

“Okay,” Mike says, “Now.”

You slide back through the bar flap, unnoticed by the last few customers, who are gathering their stuff and leaving. You perch in front of the bar again, feeling smug, and more than just a little turned on. Mike leans forward and wipes a dribble of cum from your chin, and you lick his thumb.

He's about to speak, when the hot bouncer walks into the main bar and approaches you. "Closing time," the says, in a deep rough voice, aimed very much at you. You look at him, and feel your face heat up. Black chest hair is escaping the top of his STAFF shirt, and his thick arms and chest are imposing.

“He's with me,” Mike says.

"Lucky fucker," the bouncer shakes his head at Mike. "I was watching him all night. The birthday boy, right?" he says to you.

You blush, but nod.

"Damn," the bouncer says, then holds out his hand towards Mike, in a fist. "You wanna play for him? Rock, paper, scissors?"

Mike laughs, holding out his fist. You can't tell if either of them are serious.

You say...

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