The water does look delicious; join her.

From Create Your Own Story

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“Well, don’t mind if I do.” You manage to keep your calm, polite English tone with some difficulty. Aristocracy is after all about appearing civil while boiling up inside, you’ve practice this for your entire life so not even Louise Remick´s unearthly charms manage to unnerve you for too long.

You unstrap you clothes piece by piece letting them slip to the floor carefully so not to reveal any hidden weapons to the actresses. She studies your emerging nakedness with great impressed and expertise. Having achieved a near perfect balance between battle ready vigor and femininity your body appears like no other to Louise’s watchful gaze. Being liberated from your clothes you enter the bathtub.

The effect is instantaneous; it’s caused by an accumulating effect brought on by the warmness of the water, the smell of the perfume and your own closeness to Louise’s sensual body. It’s an effect than can be best described as boiling on the inside. It roots out all those stored stressful emotions that have been stored up inside your bone marrow. They all loosen up and float up to the surface of your skin where they evaporate into thin air. A life times worth of trouble gone in a matter of seconds.

Wondrous as this feeling might be it leaves you light headed. Your head spins around in enjoyment with a big smile on your lips. Finally you let out a sound that can only be described as a soft meowing from bliss. Louise laughs a bit and then proceeds to gently lunge herself at you. She spreads your legs with her hands so that she pushes against you in a missionary position. Normally your sharp reflexes would have stopped her but being overcome with bliss but you’re defensives are down, numbed by the relief running through your body, and thus her soft skin is now pressing up against yours. In the water your clits meet, rubbing against each other slowly, more of a tease of what’s to come than real electrifying pleasure. Just above the surface her breasts have mashed up against yours, both your rock hard nipples rubbing each other. She has stopped her lips only a few centimeters away from yours. They are slightly open, as if she’s about to kiss you. Yours are also open fully ready to accept her kiss in your moment of weakness. She lingers there for one… two… three seconds that feels like lifetimes. Meanwhile you find that her finger explores your bellybutton. She whispers at you.

“I am an expert at flesh, I know of every kind, female or male. But I’ve seen only a few like yours. So feminine yet so vigorous. But even your skin is not an mystery to me, I can tell everything there is to know about you only by touching you. Which part would you like me to touch… my little bird?”

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