Planet of the Apes/South from beach

From Create Your Own Story

< Planet of the Apes
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You point south, along the beach.

"Any paticular reason?" asks Dodge.

"If we follow the ocean, we can't get lost," you state.

"Becasue we'd love to come back here," Dodge notes sarcastically.

"Who knows? It could come in handy," you say.

As you turn to leave, Landon kneels and plants a miniature American flag in the soil. You let out a hearty laugh before going on your way.

You trek along the beach for a day, careful not to overindulge in your rations. There is no life to be seen so far. Dodge and Landon seem to be getting restless.

"I'm beginning to think going this way was a bad idea," says Dodge. "The soil is just as barren here as before."

"Look... We're in the same boat here. I want to get out of this desert as much as you do," you say. "Just don't give up hope."

"Okay... So, what now?" asks Landon.

"We keep going. No use backtracking. We already know it's barren behind us. Maybe there's something new ahead," you say with gruff determination.

You trek onward for another day until you come upon a large twisted metal structure protruding out of the beach. It appears to be about 100 feet tall.

What do you do?

Status - Planet of the Apes
Health 100 Equipment:

pistol (1), pistol ammo (20), medical kit (1), camera (1), rations(1)

Race Human
Party Dodge and Landon
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