WAS: Turn the page and read about the hordes

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The hordes where formed. Armies like their ancestors composing of young women and men on a warpath to new lands. They migrated from the north causing panic among the world’s countries. Four were these hordes. One horde headed south, heading straight for Almedia the greatest city in the world. They however were soundly defeated by Almedia and its allies. Proving to the world that the children of Hysta are not immortal. Daughters of Hysta, survivors of the horde, were sold at an record breaking price in the Almedian marketplace. It is rumored that the Queen of Almedia bought 100 of these women and trained them into becoming guards for her harem. But since the queen’s harem has never been visited by any man we cannot be sure.

Another horde which also was heading for Almedia deviated from their route when they heard of their siblings crushing defeat. They instead invaded Numerheim. An heavily populated country to the north east of Almedia but with political instability. There they have established the nation of Hystaheim and is still at war with what’s left of Nuremheim. This is an potential disaster as there is enough women in Nuremheim to supply each son of Hysta with 30 women each. If their children starts another horde in twenty years, their number could potentially be enough to conquer Almedia, the strongest nation on earth.

Only one horde headed west. They swept through the republic of Istardium and created the nation of Hystardium. However, not satisfied with such a small country and so few women (only three women for each male) they decided to continue their expansion into the country of Ugarit. Their momentum however did not follow. The cities in Ugarit where heavily fortified and the war became one of sieges. The grinding warfare style of Ugarit made the children of Hysta lose an considerable number of soldiers. They where even forced to hire mercenaries and accept slave people into their ranks. Despite the setbacks the children of Hysta are on the offensive and will probably win the war.

The last horde migrated to the far east so little information is available on their wars. Its known that they encountered the six nations of the one eyes god and is at war with them. Despite only occupying a relatively small landmass it seems to be an even war between the children of Hysta and the six nations of the one eyed god. The outcome is far from certain.

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